Abortion For Dynamics Of Family

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Abortion for dynamics of Family

Abortion for dynamics of Family


Abortion issue raises strong emotions. Today, the author wanted to address one of the reasons for such reactions, the one which said to rarely. Abortion is not a phenomenon, which is the margin of social life. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), the world made more than 50 million abortions per year. Abortion meant killing an innocent child. Sometimes, people remember that abortion severely mutilated physically - and mentally, and spiritually - the mother of the child, However, people do not think that abortion also affects how devastating the child's father, his siblings, grandparents and other family members (Richards, 2010). At present, the society is suffering from alcoholism, which slowly killing the family values. Alcoholism and other addictions are not the only addict misfortune; evil destroys the rest of the family and society. Similarly, in the case of abortion: as individuals, families and society, we suffer more - and more hidden - the evil consequences of that made, recently, and a very long time, abortion.



Abortion still considered as taboo, people felt loud and happy to discuss the need for legal permission to get rid of "unwanted pregnancy" or vice versa. However, when abortion on the person we loved: mothers, wives, daughters, sons, friends, colleagues from work, then we become silent. We would like to recognize that we do not have anything to do with that, because we do not have committed this atrocity, because it had no place in our immediate family. Women: our mothers, sisters, daughters, sons, friends and colleagues from work, usually unspoken about the disastrous choice once made, for fear of condemnation and misunderstanding (Pederson & Watson, 2003). Some suffer in great loneliness, feelings of rejection and loss. Some are doing everything in suspense to this terrible secret did not come to light. Other - unfortunately, probably the majority - are trying to take your suffering. At all costs try to convince themselves that it was a favorable decision, or that nothing great has not happened, it is just a pregnancy, embryo tissue or some unnecessary.

It must be that is not the same family that families, or at least not live in the same way the political and social events from one and other. Family must be that, in capital letters, immersed in a crisis of values, unable to overcome and adapt to the access rights of each of its members. Hence it must be that every step forward for individual freedoms, every time there to make the decision to rely on freedom and free will of people feel threatened and have to leave to defend. Happened long ago, with the right to vote for women, also with the access of women to employment and public activity, of course with divorce, and one would expect, with abortion.Family Image

In recent days, the image of the Family used as a counterweight and opposition of those who defend abortion as an element related to the rights of sexual and reproductive health of women. Thus, there are people determined to ...
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