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Human life is sacred because from its beginning it involves the creative action of God. No one can attribute the right to destroy directly or indirectly to a human being. There are situations in which this right is not fulfilled, it is the case, for example, abortion in which the duty not to harm another is not met. (Dellapenna, 2007). In ancient times the performance of abortions was a generalized method for birth control. After it was banned by some religions, but is not considered an illegal action until the nineteenth century. The abortion was banned to protect women in surgery, in those days were very risky, the only situation that was allowed was in cases that endanger the life of the mother.


During the twentieth century, legislation has liberalized the interruption of unwanted pregnancies in various medical situations, social or private. The abortions through the will of the mother were legalized first in Russia (1920); subsequently allowed in Japan and some countries in Eastern Europe after the Second World War. At the end of the 1960 decriminalization of abortion spread to many countries. By 1980, 20% of the population lived in countries where legalization permitted only at risk for the life of the mother; The other 40% lived in countries where abortion was allowed in situations of risk health of the mother, rape or incest, presence of genetic alterations in the fetus and special social situations (single mothers or low income), 40% of the remainder lived in places where abortion was liberalized the only conditions of the legal deadlines for their implementation. The decriminalization movement has continued to grow worldwide and has been defended at world conferences on women (especially in Beijing in 1995). Although there are still countries, mainly for religious reasons, are under pressure to maintain restrictive sentencing legalization.

Banning Abortion pro

Some states such as South Dakota and Mississippi are trying to ban abortion, but Abortion rights advocates argue that with out legal abortion woman would be denied their constitutional right of privacy and liberty and if abortion was illegal, it would force poor women to bear and raise children they cant afford then give up their dreams stay home and bring up babies. Proponents warn that there would be a number of UN safe abortions in the back alley which can cause even the mother to die. In Jost and koth' article “Abortion Showdown” ...
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