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An abortion is termed as death and expulsion of the fetus from the uterus before five months of pregnancy. After this date until 28 weeks of pregnancy it is called immature and premature delivery is if over 28 weeks. When pregnancy that occurs due to certain issues or complexity we call this abortion as miscarriage and it comes under the umbrella of abortion that is spontaneous. Abortion that is called therapeutic is done due to illness faced by the female during pregnancy while induced abortion for any other reason is known as selective abortion.

Induced abortions have been occurring since ancient times. It has a long history and has been happening in several ways, including herbs, the use of sharp tools, physical trauma and other traditional methods. While modern medicine utilizes medications and surgical procedures to induce abortion. The legality, custom, culture and views on abortion vary from country to country.


Pregnancy that occurs before time, meaning before thirty seven weeks is called premature birth and when a baby dies within the female's body or during the birth is termed still born.

Most of the pregnancies that are not successful clinical and clear, depending factors such as how healthy the mother is and how old she is. Majority of the abortions that occur without knowledge are during the initial stage where the women are not aware that she was pregnant.

The most common cause of miscarriage during the first quarter is the anomaly chromosomes of the fetus, which represent at least 50% of the losses of early pregnancy. There can be other factors that stimulate which people are suffering from include sugar issues, hormone involvement, and issues relating to veins as well as some abnormality occurring within the womb of the pregnant women.

The progress in the age of mother and the previous cases of abortion are the biggest factors that lead to spontaneous abortion. It is also possible to result from exposure to shock cross; either resulting from the shock of a deliberate or a strain. (Keown & John, 1988)

Methods of Abortion

Medical Abortions

Medical abortion is the abortion without surgery and uses of medicinal drugs, and can be effective in the first three months of pregnancy. Within the hemisphere of United States and Europe the current rate of medical abortion is 10%.

It is worth mentioning that about 92% of women who underwent medical abortion with the system Complex in these countries completed abortion without surgical intervention. In cases of failed medical abortion, it uses the respirator to complete the abortion surgically.

Surgical Method

The most common method in the first 12 weeks of pregnancy is termed as suction aspiration. This involves two ways, one being mini suction that involves extracting the baby, the walls as well as the placenta by sucking through a syringe and the other through a pump that is electric.

These techniques are comparable, and differ in the mechanism used to apply suction, and at any stage of gestation can be used, and whether it was necessary to extend the neck ...
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