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In the present era, abortion is considered as one of the most prominent ethical issues of United States. Abortion is referred as the termination or killing of pregnancy by the expulsion or removal from the uterus of an embryo or fetus prior to viability. Researches and studies demonstrate that, an abortion may takes place unexpectedly. In this scenario, it is referred as miscarriage. On the other hand, it is also observed that, it can also be induced purposely. In this particular situation it is generally referred as the abortion or termination of a human pregnancy. Recent studies and researches demonstrate that, nurses play a vital role in aborting the pregnancy of any women (Butts & Rich, 2012). In this condition, they often have to face various ethical, social and legal dilemmas. While facing these issues or dilemmas, it is considered as the foremost responsibilities of the nurses to preserve the integrity of their professional by following the legal and ethical terms of their profession (Roberts & Reich, 2002). The proceeding paper incorporates the discussion regarding this ethical dilemma (abortion). In addition to this, the paper also incorporates the role of nurses in abortion. Moreover, the paper also discusses the idea that how the nurses can ensure the legal and profession ethics, while dealing with the cases of abortion.



Abortion is defined the medical procedure of ending or terminating the pregnancy, in order to avoid the birth of a child. It is often observed that, various reasons exist behind the abortion. These reasons may include unwillingness of having a child, poor economic conditions, risk of women's health, social issues or the probability of any disease or disability (physical or mental) in an expected baby. In these situations, pregnant women choose to terminate their pregnancy (O'Malley, 2013). It is because of the reason that, they finds easy way-out in abortion, instead of giving birth to a baby. On the other hand, it is also observed that, unplanned pregnancy is another factor that leads the women towards abortion (Jones &Chaloner, 2007). Researches and studies demonstrate that, nurses play a prominent role in aborting a pregnancy. During the practices of abortion, nurses face various controversial situations, in which they have to make correct decisions. It is observed that, these situations are usually linked with integrity of their profession. It is because of the reason that, inappropriate and illegal activities of abortion may lead the pregnant women towards severe consequences (BMA, 2007).

Abortion and Nursing Profession

It is observed from various researches and studies that, the profession of nursing tackles with different ethical disputes and dilemmas on their daily practices. One of the most prominent and the leading issues in nursing may include abortion. In addition to this, it is also considered as the most debated topic that, whether the nurses are eligible to participate in these activities, abortion, or not (Butts & Rich, 2012). In this regard, various researchers and practitioners have claimed that, the activity of abortion is one of the most ...
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