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Women face the decision of whether or not abortion is ethical, they focus on the goals of the individual and how a woman must benefit from their course of actions for the advantage of themselves. According to Candice (2013), a woman should decide what she feels will give the best self interest; thus if a woman desires to have an abortion, it is an ethical thing to do so.

Through the definition of human rights and self interest, as the pursuit of personal happiness regardless of other's well being and well being is emphasized. Hinman (2013) describes that one is solely responsible for enhancing and sustaining one's own life. It is individually up to the person to establish what the necessary values are. Every woman has the right to pursue and uphold her well being foundation, and if that requires an abortion to achieve her best interest, then it is only her responsibility to sustain that foundation (Lotz, 2012). As every single woman chooses what decisions or values will enhance the quality of her life, she must perform what is best to obtain those values. Choosing the decision of an abortion can be seen as personal virtue as it determines a woman's self-determination responsibility (Candice,2013).


Abortion is highly publicized issue about which many people feel very strongly. Debate continuous putting the principle of sanctity of life against the principle of autonomy and the woman's right to control her own body. This is an especially volatile issue because no public consensus has yet been reached (Candice, 2013). In this case, autonomy has been the center of how the decision will be made. (Lotz, 2012).

In a health care setting, this principle is violated, for example, when a nurse disregards client's subjective accounts of their symptoms. Finally, respect for autonomy means that people should not be treated as an impersonal source of knowledge or training. This principle comes into play, for example, in the requirement that clients provide informed consent before tests, procedures, research, or being a teaching subject can be carried out (Lotz, 2012).The client's values and decisions are influenced by a variety of factors such as family support, previous experience with health care situations, the meaning of illness to the person and her personal goals (Lotz, 2012).

Being health care practitioner, patient's bill of rights and welfare must be addressed. Patient's bill of rights states that all patients should be treated with respect and courtesy. ...
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