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Problem Statement

“Abortion is not only negative for women's health, but it is also negative for the entire social system”.


People, who supported abortion together with early activists looking for law reforms of abortion, made use of arguments persuading women for abortion with its benefits for the society as a whole. Abortion was considered to provide empowerment for women to free themselves from severities of childbearing and the hard work of house-work. Moreover, it was considered to enable women for the achievements of an equal place in the workforce with men. After several years, women started wonder that when their empowerment, freedom and equality will positively affect their lives. In actual, women are considered to be losers when they decide to abort their child (Porter & Connor, 2009).

In 1960s, the pills for birth control were advertised to give equality to women in the society while enjoying the pleasure of intimate relationships with their spouse devoid of any fear of its subsequent results. One of the unanticipated outcomes of these pills was seen when some of the women died. It has been studied in researches that lowering the dose of progesterone and estrogen curb the risk of deep vein blood clotting that increases the pulmonary embolism. There are many others adverse effects of these pills (Fau´ndes & Barzelatto, 2006). In this paper, we study the effects of abortion on society as a whole. In this paper, we will also analyze the relevant research articles to support the argument of the paper. Furthermore, we will discuss the relevant theory with respect to the topic, in order to draw the conclusion of the study.


Adverse Effects of Abortion on Health of Women

The lower dose pills work to change the lining of the womb. It has adverse effects on the fertility of women. In addition, there are long term side effects of abortion. Free availability of abortion to control birth is considered to be a mean, through which women chose to delay their marriages of childbearing until the age of mid 30s. As a result, many women have observed infertility and couples resorting to fertility clinics for treatments (Fau´ndes & Barzelatto, 2006).

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