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For this research paper we have selected the topic: In what, if any, situation is abortion acceptable? Who should determine abortion regulations? Abortion is considered as one of the most controversial topic throughout the world. Abortion is not a new problem but has increased over time. This practice dates back to ancient times, the Middle Age, and the modern era. There are many methods of abortion. However, all lead to the same end result in death of new born.

Abortion: a controversial issue

Abortion has been considered as a controversial topic of all times. Abortion practice is used for the planned termination of a pregnancy. The main reason given to justify this act is that the pregnancy threatens mother's health and there are chances that the fetus is found to have a severe deformity or disability. This pregnancy can be caused by rape or the couple has no financial means to support the child, or the child born will interfere with the happiness and welfare of family. There are two opposing views on the morality of abortion,

Those who promote respect for life and believe abortion is immoral, and

Those who promote respect for the autonomy and well-being of the person and see abortion as morally legitimate alternative.

Both these views discuss that abortion is a personal and private matter and should be decided by women without the interference of law. For conservatives, the fetus has moral status and rights ascribes to life. The moment of conception for them is the line between human and non-human. At conception zygote is seen as an individual human being and has the same basic rights as an adult. They also assert that the practice of abortion promotes disrespect for life.

Some liberals deny that the fetus has moral status which means that even if the fetus is biologically human it has no relevant features from the moral point of view in this case abortion is not a form of homicide or consider the moral status of the fetus is irrelevant as priority is given to women's right. They also believe that the empowerment of women and their rights to control their bodies holds precedence over the moral status of the fetus.

On the other hand, liberals claim that legalized abortion has many benefits which include that women no longer have to practice illegal abortions. Children are born healthy and desired social systems which decreases population growth. The supporters and promoters of abortion stated that it is women life and body. No one has the right to force them to have a child or punish them for not having it. There are also many other views derived from it which include the extreme conservative view which does not justify any abortion ratio and a less extreme is conservative view which permit abortion in cases of ectopic pregnancy and uterine cancer (Ely, Dulmus, 2010).

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