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Abortion is classified as significant issues in the context of the contemporary global environment. In the western society the issue regarding abortion is predominantly discussed in the American society, where it has a significant societal influence. America is one of the most involved and proactive countries in the social debate regarding the issue of abortion. Abortion is basically the choice made by a female, to termite the developing human fetus and chooses to live her life in an independent manner. In an individualistic perspective this can be identified as the personal choice of the female. However the issue is not this simple. Rather it has several complex factors associated, which involve multiple stakeholders (Meyer & Staggenborg, 2008). Considering the religious and the pro life factors present in the American community, the dilemma become highly controversial in nature. It is due to this reason that even after the ongoing debate for decade, the issue is still present in the American society. The social policies developed for this issue are taken in substantially different perspective by the various section of the society.

The conservative population which is predominantly focused on the traditional and the religious factors, are crucial of the pro abortion polices. The liberals and the young population, generally support the right of abortion for the females. This is the reason why the social policy will always be perceived in a completely different perspective in the various regions of the country, as the diverse sections of the population have completely different mindsets and ideological beliefs.


Social Policy Issues in America

Unlike the European counterparts the American society is highly influenced by eth religious factors, and these factors impact the debate regarding the abortion issue. The religious components in the society voice their support for the rights of the unborn fetuses, which are aborted by the pregnant women. These individual believe that the human life is a divine gift bestowed on to the population, and it should be treated with respect. The act of abortion is basically denying the right to live for a human being, who has been given the gift of life by God. The religiously oriented American population hence opposes any pro-abortion social policy suggested or introduced by the government authorities.

The religious factions can be identified as the biggest hurdle and opposition for the abortion social movement in America, and in the traditional perspective it is due to these reasons that the country did not develop abortion policies. This debate did not become very intense in the traditional perspective as it was confined primarily in eth American society. However America is not an isolated member of the global social environment (Medoff et Al, 2011). Rather it is currently the global leader in terms of the rights of freedom and the supporter of various global social movements. It has received more pressure from the rest of the western developed society regarding the existing social rights issues. The dilemma regarding Abortion is predominantly resolved in the European society, ...
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