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Thesis Statement

Abortion should not be legal cause it cause physical, psychological effect and its morally wrong.

"Abortion is the termination of a pregnancy by loss or destruction of the fetus before birth."(Britannica, 35) Abortion is a murderous act on innocent human beings that have the right to live. This procedure results in the death of the embryo or fetus and may be either spontaneous or induced. "A spontaneous abortion otherwise known as a miscarriage often result from natural causes, when there is complete or incomplete expulsion of the products of conception; the embryo or fetus and placenta or when the fetus dies prior to 20 weeks from the woman's last menstrual period. Some of the natural causes may be disease, trauma, the embryo's failure to develop or genetic or biochemical incompatibility of the mother and fetus." (Britannica, 35) "If fetal death occurs at 20 weeks or more after the last menstrual period, it is termed a late fetal death or still birth. (Britannica, 35) This type of abortion is uncontrollable(Baird, 1989).

While the immediate complications of abortion are usually treat-able, these complications frequently lead to long-term reproductive damage of much more serious nature. For example, one possible outcome of abortion related infections are sterility. The risk of sterility is even greater for women who are infected with a venereal disease at the time of the abortion.

Cervical damage is another leading cause of long term complications following abortion. Normally the cervix is rigid and tightly closed. In order to perform an abortion, the cervix must be stretched open with a great deal of force. During this forced dilation there is almost always causes microscopic tearing of the cervix muscles and occasionally severe ripping of the uterine wall. "Cervical damage from previously induced abortions increase the risk of miscarriage, premature birth, and complications of labor during later pregnancies by 300-500 percent." (Aftereffects of Abortion, 2)

"The psychological effects of abortion are temporary feelings of relief that followed by a period psychiatrists identify an emotional "paralysis" or post-abortion "numbness"." (Aftereffects, 3) Women who have undergone post-abortion counseling report over 100 major reactions to abortion. "Among the most frequently reported are: depression, loss of self-esteem, self-destructive behavior, sleep disorders, memory loss, sexual dysfunction, chronic problems with relationships, dramatic personality changes, anxiety attacks, guilt and remorse, difficulty grieving, increased tendency toward violence, chronic crying, difficulty concentrating, flashbacks, loss of interest in previously enjoyed activities and people, and difficulty bonding with later children." (Aftereffects, 3)

Human life begins as conception and abortion is the intentional killing of a human being. There are two different views on abortion. You're either for it or against it. If your for it and believe that a woman should have the right to an abortion then your considered pro-choice. If your against it and wish to legally limit or forbid abortion then your considered pro-life.

Pro-choice people would allow abortion under certain circumstances. Some approve abortion if the woman's life or health is endangered by her ...
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