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Abortion is the termination of pregnancy. Abortion is not something that has begun to perform today, although it has increased over time and the worldwide legalization. This practice dates back to the middle Ages, and today, the modern era. There are many methods of abortion that vary by week of gestation. However, all lead to the same end result in death of the unborn. However, the problem of abortion is engaged in a great ideological and religious controversy that is based on recognition and values ??not applicable to the social reality of women's lives today. Thus, ethical, moral, philosophical and religious serve to reflect and evaluate these values, adapted to the current context, as well as serve as a guide to legislative action to moral problems (Kuhse & Singer, 2009).


There are, apparently, three main positions on the issue of abortion. At one extreme, the proponents of "preservation of life" that would ban abortion in all circumstances, they believe that the state has no right to promote the destruction of the embryo or fetus, thus they legalize abortion. At the other extreme, there are the supporters of free choice. They believe that the law should not restrict freedom of choice for the mother. All pregnant women should be able to request an abortion. Intermediate position is taken by those who consider abortion acceptable only in certain cases, such as when the pregnancy is dangerous for the life of the mother, or was the result of rape or incest, and those who believe that it should not be the primary method of birth control (Reamer, 2006).

Well-organized and politically active movement against abortion supports mainly the Catholic Church. However, this position is also occupied by Orthodox Jews, Orthodox Christians, some non-believers and many conservative Protestants. Callahan identifies four main arguments proponents of this position: 

Every human being, even a child in the womb, gets the right to life directly from God. 

Human beings have no right to take the life of other innocent human beings. 

Human life begins at conception. 

Perform an abortion at any stage of pregnancy takes the lives of innocent human beings. 

Many opponents of abortion are not ready to accept these arguments. However, the question of the initial moments of human life is ambiguous. The answer depends on what we consider the real beginning. Though egg and sperm make the living cell, fertilization does not automatically lead to a viable organism. The problem is much more complex, and probably is more philosophical than naturalistic character (Ricci & Kyle, 2009).

Still, even those who are not inclined to accept an embryo or fetus as a living organism may be opposed to abortion. These people often point to the fact that the human embryo has the potential to become a person and therefore it is immoral to kill: in fact, it would be to deprive him of his right to life (Morrison, 2009).

There is one more argument raised by people against abortion nominate that an embryo or foetus is an innocent victim. A new organism never asked that his conceiving or to be born, but ...
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