Aboriginal Friendship Centre (Tillicum Lelum) & Self Determination

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Aboriginal Friendship centre (Tillicum Lelum) & Self determination

Aboriginal Friendship centre (Tillicum Lelum) & Self determination


This is outline for the paper on Aboriginal Friendship centre (Tillicum Lelum) & Self determination. Friendship Centres have Became Established in Their Communities and Gained acceptance with service Agencies and the community at large, a trend emerged in the mid 1970s saw Which Aboriginal people from Agencies Being Referred to the Centers. This development marked a major change for the movement as Friendship Centers, in cooperation with government Agencies, to provide statement began a number of customer services based in the Areas of employee, substance abuse, family support, legal services and cultural retention. 

During early years, Friendship Centers Initiated Programs and Services Designed to Educate and inform non-Aboriginal people have to the Needs, aspirations and culture of the Aboriginal residents in the community. This primary objective has of Friendship Centers, Which by definition are committed to Developing a better understanding Between Aboriginal and Non Aboriginal cultures. 

Today, in year era marked by Continuing High Unemployment rates, cutbacks in Government Spending and General Economic uncertainty, Friendship Centers play year Even More significant role in the Aboriginal community. Do they no longer provide statement Simply Social, Cultural and Recreational Services, they goal act as agents of change (Dennis, 1997). They are actively involved in the community development process and play a vital leadership role in their Communities. They Promote and provide statement and training Education Programs and services. They are becoming actively Involved in the economic Development process, they operate-quality Housing Programs for Aboriginal people with low Incomes and Operate Health Programs that emphasize holistic approach has to treatment, They Are Committed to Providing quality services for the Which Provide physical, emotional and spiritual well being of Their Clients.

 Part 1

The part 1 of the paper will be discussing the Tillicum lelum organization's mission statement, Structure, mandate, general activities. This organization has its own philosophy. Tillicum Lelum Aboriginal Friendship Centre promotes justice, fairness and equality for Aboriginal people through a holistic approach to programming and services. Our philosophy is one that encompasses all people in the community who request our assistance. Tillicum Lelum Aboriginal Friendship Centre has been providing services in our community since 1965. Over the years, our centre has grown from a coffee drop-in to an agency which offers; Educational and Training Programs, Health & Counseling Services, Social Service Programs and a wide variety of special cultural events and activities in the community (website accessed April 2, 2012).

 Part 2

In this part of the paper we will discuss and evaluate the mission statement, structure, mandate and general activities related to the demonstration of supporting self determination. The term self-determination has two primary meanings, both of which have a long history of use outside the disability field. The American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language (1992) identifies self-determination as a noun and defines it as:

Determination of one's own fate or course of action without compulsion.

Freedom of the people of a given area to determine their own political status; ...
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