Abnormal Psychology

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Abnormal psychology

Abnormal psychology

What is ADHD?

A neurobehavioral or psychiatric disorder that is characterized by either particular difficulties of hyperactivity or impulsiveness and inattention or a combination of two is known as Attention deficit-hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). This disorder is often diagnosed in children and is considered as a genetic disorder that can be transmitted from paternal or maternal side as well. According to DSM-IV-TR the signs and symptoms of ADHD appears before seven years of age. There are three types of ADHD namely predominately hyperactive-impulsive, predominantly inattentive or a combination of these two.

The management of ADHD mainly requires some specific combination of medications such as lifestyle changes, counseling and behavioral therapy. The children which are diagnosed with ADHD should be given medication on top priority as this disorder can have negative impact on their lives (Oltmanns, 2001). They should be given effective treatment in time. It is often found that medication therapy plays an active role in the treatment of children with moderate ADHD symptoms or who do not accept psychotherapeutic options or either these options are found inactive to their disorder.

2. How is it different from ADD?

In the past Attention deficit-hyperactivity disorder was taken as Attention-Deficit Disorder but in reality there is a huge difference among them. ADD was considered as a disorder found in children in which they were found unable to pay attention towards their studies or any work they were asked to do. The ADD disorder is not particularly hyperactive or impulsive like ADHD. There are many people who consider ADD similar to ADHD. There are three scales of ADHD that can help these people in differentiating among these two disorders namely inattention, impulsivity and hyperactivity. If each of this scale is rated from 1-10, there are chances that a child might have 10-1-10 or 10-1-1 respectively on each of the scale but it is not possible at all that a child might be diagnosed with 10-10-10 as no child can have perfection in these scales (Oltmanns, 2001).

This has been proven by various studies conducted by professional psychologists. It is extremely important that a child who is having a real deficiency in concentrating on anything or in paying attention needs to be checked for ADHD as this can be developed till teen age in children. The children can develop problematic or disruptive behavior due to various issues and these needs to be considered carefully as these issues can become a continuous problem for them. The parents are the first ones who can diagnose the disorder of ADHD in their child. It is found that children who are having ADHD are more dull and boring as they are found having lack of attention that is an important kind of ADHD.

3. What the signs and systems of ADHD?

There are two main kinds of Attention deficit-hyperactivity disorder namely hyperactive and inattention or impulsive behavior and the third type of ADHD is a combination of these two kinds. There are large number of children who are more towards inattention ...
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