Abnormal And Normal Prenatal Development

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Abnormal and Normal Prenatal development

Abnormal and Normal Prenatal development


The time when the baby begins to develop; this development is calculated from the initial day of female's last normal period to the day the child is born. However the fetus development does not begin until conception. Conception occurs when a particular male sperm cell unites with the female egg (ovum) in the female's fallopian tube in the process known as fertilization forming a zygote subsequently developing into a child.


Compare and contrast between normal & abnormal prenatal development

The prenatal development is a critical period of development of an individual's life. It is influential and formative period for development of body's organ and thus establishes its functional ability. If a child is developed completely normal it is referred to as normal fetal development.” The pregnancy where everything is perfect”; Where as in every zygote a potential exist for severe disruptions to the normal developmental processes which may be due to environmental exertion or genetic factor. The environment exerts a positive effect in many pregnancies, shaping the individuals development. Since the fetus is not immune from the world outside. Many things damage the unborn child such as radiations, teratogens and genetic defects etc. which often results in abnormal fetal development (Latini et al, 2006). A chief component in development of a baby is directly connected to the actions of the mother. Fetal growth abnormalities, spilling protein in the urine, high blood pressure, abnormal ultrasound etc will confirm the normal development into the high risk of abnormal prenatal development (Cunningham, 2010).

Normal prenatal development constitution

The miraculous process by which a single cell develops into a multi cellular embryo and later into a fetus after conception is referred to as prenatal development Normal Prenatal phase is least well understood stage of our development yet the most fascinating. After ...
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