Abdominal Pain

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Clinical and Pathological aspects of Abdominal Pain

Clinical and Pathological aspects of Abdominal Pain


Abdominal pain is a common symptom which is related to ephemeral disorders or diseases. Abdominal pain can be caused due to different factors. These factors can cause chronic to agonising pain in the patient. The severity of the cause can deteriorate if not properly treated in time and could become the cause of massive destruction for the patient. However, the chronic pain in the abdomen is a challenging issue for the doctors even at the time of mass progression of biomedical technology. This is because of the pain can be caused by various diseases and thus it becomes difficult to diagnose the cause. At times the cause of the pain could not be serious but in case of severity serious interventions must be taken under the care of an experienced practitioner. Using clinical and pathological assessments, the root cause of the abdominal pain can be known. There are certain factors that affect the clinical and pathological aspect of the abdominal pain. Analgesia a sedation provided to relief pain in the patients is being used in the emergency sections of the health care units. It's use is beneficial for the patients but it is considered to be a factor that can affect the initial diagnosis about the abdominal pain.


Acute abdomen pain is the intra-abdominal disease that causes severe pain in the abdomen that could even result in a surgery. Pain in the abdomen is the only evident symptom of the acute abdominal pathological process. For example in appendicitis constant acute pain the only symptom that is taken as a reference and responded. During the pain the patient suffers from acute to chronic pain. Under such circumstances quick decisions are needed to be made so to provide relief to the patient. Under the supervision of a skilled practitioner, 80 to 90 percent of decision can be made on the basis of the pain in the abdomen (Sherman (1990)).

Making accurate decision about the acute abdominal pain is relatively difficult. Abdominal related pain generally occurs in children, older adults and patients with HIV. Since the abdominal pain is related to intra-abdominal diseases, it should be taken seriously for it could be life threatening. Under such conditions quick and surgical interventions are generally suggested.

The modes and onsets of pains help in determining the complexities and severities of the pain in the abdomen and how a patient's reaction is due to the pain. In this case vital signs and postures of the patient helps in detecting the pain.


There can be many causes of the abdominal pain; appendicitis, kidney stones, sickle cell crisis, peptic ulcer, ruptured spleen, adrenal crisis, acute diverticulitis, ectopic pregnancy with tubal rupture, acute peritonitis, acute ureteric colicm, bowel volvulus, acute pyelonephritis, adrenal crisis, biliary colic, abdominal aortic aneurysm, hem peritoneum and many more. Each of the case could cause the patient to suffer acute to chronic pain and may even cause death. The pain is not easily localized ...
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