Aarp And Nra

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Who Is More Powerful: AARP of NRA?

Who Is More Powerful: AARP of NRA?


Interest groups are those non-profit organizations and the members of these groups voluntarily work to achieve the common cause. They work in such way to affect the decision makers to formulate public policy according to the wishes and demands of them. It is important to note that interest groups don't have any political control. They basically lobby for their aims to the members of legislative bodies by the means of contributing to political parties. It is also important to discuss the term power. Power is an intangible and it includes all the potentials and capabilities to influence the process of decision making of the other party. National rifle Association and American Association of Retired Person are non-governmental, non-partisan organization and interest groups which works for their respective aim. National Rifle Association promotes the use of firearm and American Association of Retired Person encourages all those activities that can give independence and dignity to the old aged citizens.

Overview of the Organizations

AARP is a non-governmental organization that works for the betterment of retired persons. American Association of Retired Person (AARP) was found is a Washington based organization which was formed in 1958. It includes all those people who are the age of 50 years or more. AARP is considered the most powerful non-governmental organization and lobbying group which has deep roots in the process of legislation for the betterment of old aged persons (AARP. 2013).

National Rifle Association (NRA) is another non-governmental and non-profit organization that encourages and promotes the activity of fire arm production and other related activities like firearm safety, police training and marksmanship. It also supports the self defense training and hunting techniques in United States. NRA pressure group was established in 1871 which has currently 527 other lobbying groups (NRA. 2013).


Currently there is a hot issue being discussed in the media about the free use of arms. The latest issue of gun rampage of Newtown got much attention of lobbying groups against the uncontrolled use of gun. Twenty children at local school in Newtown were killed mercilessly by a heavily armed gunman who just opened fire at school children and killed six other school staff in the mid of December 2012. Connecticut incident of mass shooting is regarded as one of the worst shooting in the history of US. Innocent kids were carrying out their normal activities and unaware to the law that permits individual to have dangerous weapons for his safety. Even they were known about the law, what could have they do? They were child and left on the mercy of shooter who indiscriminately opened fire on them.

New elected president Obama during his press conference could not control his emotions and he paused of few moments of collect his emotions. He assured to take stringent measures before any one is given the permission of having any form of arm. President Obama's address to have strong and effective measures against the issuance of ...