A200hrm Improving Team Performance

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A200HRM Improving Team Performance

Word Count: 2069Contents




Informal and Formal Procedures4

Choosing the best method6


Performance Review Techniques6

Application of techniques7

Action plan8


Ongoing Performance measurement10


A200HRM Improving Team Performance



The case study briefs about Peter, a warehouse supervisor, whose staff members had complained about his short temper. This often made them reluctant to ask for Peter's advice and assistance. Secondly, Peter was not catering development needs of his staff members and was carrying out their appraisals as a tick box exercise. Moreover, other staff members were also complaining about inefficient running of the warehouse and errors occurring at the stock list which have caused interruption in the sales team performance.

Manager's Responsibilities

Being a manager, one should take care that increase in anger issue of staff would make a negative impact in the work place and the performance of staff himself as well as of others. More importantly it could get worsen if this anger issue could lead to physical contact with other employees. This may create tensed environment among the employees causing low productivity and reducing profitability of the store. Therefore, a manager should first promote self-help that staff members discover the best solution to resolve issues with their supervisor. To make it happen, manager should be sympathetic in giving time to Peter and staff in order to resolve their problems (McBride, 2012). If the problem persists, it is the sole responsibility of manager to resolve the issue. For that, he would need to prepare himself to discuss the issue with Peter and make a proper plan before meeting. When conducting the meeting with Peter, the manager should be open to share any concerns and issues relating to anger and performance mismanagement. He should be assertive and confident to deliver what he wants from his supervisor and hence develop a performance improvement plan for him (Bong, 2007). Performance improvement plan would be an agreement between the manager and the supervisor, which would involve employee taking responsibility for his own development (Mullins, 2007, pp.437). During a supervisor's performance development, manager should act as a mentor or a coach in order to achieve his goal. This can be performed by continual monitoring and providing training opportunities, providing appropriate resources, or giving constant feedback on progress.


Adair's Model describes evaluating team and individual performance. It states that is important that the tasks communicated to employees should be clear. The responsibilities assigned to them should also be clear along with the objectives of the manager. Moreover, the resources should be given in accordance to the tasks given so that employees can achieve their targets. Manager should also ensure that members work together and contribute towards the team goal. The performance of the team should also be reviewed that they match with the standard performance of the organization. For an individual, evaluating the performance should be done over how much work he contributes. Manager should review that the individual uses provided resources according to his job description. For evaluation, usage of direct measures of outcomes, integrated and multisource assessment should be done by the ...