A Woman As President

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A Woman as President

I think a woman can be a successful president because women have been good leaders in other countries for years. Our constitution guarantees that all mankind is created equal. I think that some women are smarter if not as smart as men, they have more common sense, and I believe that a woman could be as quick as a man to start wars. They do a job just as good as men because they are just as smart as men. For instance there is a governor in New Jersey and she is terrific. Women are equal to men, and should have the same opportunities as men. Women follow rules and are fair too. Women can cooperate with the government. Women can make good choices, and effective speeches. Most people say, "Well what about their kids?" Think about it. Men are responsible for their kids just as much as women are. A woman won't run president if she has 3 year olds and needs to stay with them. She'll run when she gets older because her kids will be older. I hope people will change their minds and give them a chance, because they're there to do their jobs. I hope that one day I can live to see a woman president.

I believe that a woman can, just as easily as a man, be a successful President of the United States. As it says in the Declaration of Independence, "all men are created equal." In this case, I say, "All men, and women are created equal." And, since all men and women are created equal, women deserve a chance to be President. Lots of women are much better with politics than some men in the U.S. There are also quite a few women who are more than willing to travel to create peace and harmony. One of the main reasons the President was never a woman is, some people refuse to stand up for what they believe.

Russian women have endured trials and tribulations and neglect of their problems and wishes under the old Tsars and Soviet Communist leaders (Browning, 12-19). Soviet Communism, with its broad authoritarianism, its favoritism to Russian people, its "glass ceiling," which kept women from reaching the top in management and politics, and its pervasive gender discrimination, at least educated its girls and took many of them to occupational heights comparable to or higher than those in Western Europe and the United States.

The percentage of women managers of public agencies was approximately the same 40 percent for Soviet and U.S. women in the 1990s, and in both, women are denied promotion to top administrative levels. In some fields that require mathematical skill, Russia's women are ahead: in engineering and related technical areas and in chemistry, women are the majority of the profession. By contrast, in the United States as of 1993, they are but 15 percent of their profession. As medical doctors, Russian women are four times the meager 15 percent of women physicians in the ...
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