A Thesis Of Short Story

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A Thesis of Short Story

A Thesis of Short Story


The short story “The Necklace” is penned down by Guy de Maupassant who wants to deliver certain lessons to his readers. This story is described in the 3rd person point of view as the author portrays symbols for reflecting the worldly charms to the fake reality. The title of the story “Necklace” is the main appeal that creates desire for what one person does not have something. It demonstrates the differences in social classes and depicts dishonesty. It defines the internal conflicts of Mme. Loisel who had the excessive materialism, pride, and shallowness that smoothly breaks her confidence and considers herself as a deprived woman from luxuries.


The story is about the lust, greed, material, fame and wealth. The object of the story “Necklace” merely moves the story and it also plays a prominent role. Although, the character Mathilda never asked for the necklace nor confess for losing it, but it seems that there was something else behind the material wealth or desire. The story is about the expectations and our superficial expectations. It is beyond the simple greed and seems more psychological aspect and makes the real character of Mathilda. Eventually, the fact came up when she paid off the price of what she perceived as the necklace value in turning out the original value which was small and not long lasting “And for this we have been ten years paying. ------who had nothing. At last it is ended, and I am very glad”. The author simply understands that it is not things that changes people's mind but it is the perception of people that they grow in their mind.

The evaluation of oneself and others should be based on the character and moral fiber rather than what a person possesses or ...
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