A Study on the Relationship between Amount of Homework and the Achievement on Primary School Students of a Johor Bahru Primary School
If homework help students or not, and amount of homework done is suitable, has been discussed, researched and argued for many years. The term “homework” is used to designate that work and work that usually demanded by teachers usually and to be held for a limited time, i.e., there is a time limit for its completion. The purpose of this research is to find out the relationship among the quantity of homework and accomplishment on primary school students of Johor Bahru Primary School. The research review showed that homework is an important activity given by teachers. Analysis of the literature showed mixed results.
Theme 3: Introductory of Homework Vs Academic Achievement13
Influence of Homework on Academic Achievement14
Homework Vs Academic Achievement: Three Presumptions15
Summary of Themes15
A Study on the Relationship between Amount of Homework and the Achievement on Primary School Students of a Johor Bahru Primary School
This research paper intends to provide a thorough and descriptive literature review on the research theme(s). It mainly explores the significant difference on pupils' achievement between groups with more homework as compared to the group with average homework. It also examines that whether there is co-relationship between the achievement and the amount of homework given. The complete literature review is divided into three major themes. Introduction of homework, introduction of academic achievement and introduction of homework vs. academic achievement combines to form three themes. These themes are further explained through a number of relevant sub-segments. A brief summary is also presented in the end of each theme. Ultimately, the entire literature review is summarized through the end part of conclusion.
Theme 1: Introductory of Homework
The literature review demonstrates work that has been done by various scholars. Through examination of literature, readers will get and idea of the scope of the scholars and different perspective on the topic by different researchers. Literature review is a good method to introduce the general scope of the topic under the investigation of readers. The purpose of this research is to find out the relationship between the amount of homework and achievement on primary school students of Johor Bahru Primary School.
Defining Term
According to Trost & Salehi-Isfahani (2012), homework is defined as a task assigned to students by school teachers to be done during non school hours. This definition is followed by Education department of United States. On the other hand, Canadian Council on Learning (2009) defines homework as the time spend by students outside the class to practice assigned activities, these activities are given to apply or reinforce newly acquired skills to learn new necessary skills. In Australia, homework is defined as an activity given by teachers ...