A Serious Talk And Popular Mechanics By Raymond Walker

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A Serious Talk and Popular Mechanics by Raymond Walker

Popular Mechanics

In many of Carver's stories, issues of loss and of alcoholism are a part of the larger issue, which is the isolation and terror of people when a total breakdown of survival systems is at hand. The near-inarticulateness of his characters in the face of this terror and loss is significant and has been a major point of contention among his critics. Some say that Carver's characters are too ordinary, underperceptive, and despairing to experience the philosophical questions of meaning into which they have been thrust. His defenders say that Carver characters demonstrate that people living marginal, routine lives can come close to experiencing insight and epiphany under pressure of intruding mysteries, such as the death of a loved one.

“Popular Mechanics”: Why Less Allows More Typically a story begins with an exposition, which introduces the characters, setting and plot. In the short story “Popular Mechanics” by Raymond Carver, the exposition is excluded. The story begins with a short rise in action, moves quickly to the climax and totally omits the resolution. Carver uses third person objective narration to reveal the actions and the dialogue between a man and a woman. The narrator gives very little descriptive details, never revealing the characters' thoughts or their motivation. This allows the reader the freedom to interpret and develop their own opinions of the setting, plot, and characters of the story. This also stimulates the reader to be an active reader—to think about what is read, to ask questions, and to respond to the authors' style of writing. Firstly, the narrator gives little detail throughout the whole story. The greatest amount of detail is given in the first paragraph where the narrator describes the weather. This description sets the tone and mood of the events that follow. Giving the impression that a cold, wet, miserable evening was in Keen 2 the making.

Raymond Walker's symbols, use of details, and his inventive title really bring together this unusual story, to convey the theme that not all relationships end happily. He describes every little bit of this story with brilliant detail. The symbolism is indescribable, and the title is tricky but yet it makes absolute sense when you pick it apart. Popular Mechanics is truly a very meaningful short story. Walker packs so much significance into such a short piece of literature that this is no other word ...
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