A Sand County Almanac And Sketches

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Aldo Leopold's: A sand County Almanac and sketches here and there

Aldo Leopold's: A sand County Almanac and sketches here and there


Life on Earth cannot exist without its humankind and wildlife, but humans are somewhat easier to reproduce than would specie reproducing. Species is what it is, where they are. As stated, by a philosopher Aldo Leopold, “A thing is right, when it tends to preserve the stability, integrity, and biotic community; it is wrong when it tends otherwise.” Here we have the ecosystems that exist both in the wildlife and in the support in culture and that it ought to exist, by what they are and modified by culture. One's belief about nature has everything to do with duty. The way how the world informs humankind the “ought” to be, seems to shape our values in accordance to the world we live in. How we value nature and the environment determines on our personal environmental ethics as well as our human being development.


Aldo Leopold, one of the pioneers of wildlife management, defined it as "the art of making land produce sustained annual crops of wildlife." Environmental ethics or values stretch classical ethics to a breaking point. All ethics seeks an appropriate or sustainable respect of life. This demands an ethic concern about human welfare and the concerns of the environment. Whether practice or theory, these values are much needed. Environmentally, I see it as non anthropocentric.

The separation between ethics and science has its challenges, ethically it assumes to count humans morally, and scientifically trying to change science that finds nature value free. Environmental ethics seems to look for ways to escape relativism.

I personally do not feel that these issues are not as problematic as it would be as oppose to the degradation of ...
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