A Rose For Emily & How I Contemplated The World From The Detroit House Of Correction And Began My Life Over Again

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A Rose for Emily & How I Contemplated the World from the Detroit House of Correction and Began My Life over Again

A Rose for Emily & How I Contemplated the World from the Detroit House of Correction and Began My Life over Again

A Rose for Emily

William Faulkner (September 25, 1897 - July 6, 1962) was a storyteller and poet. His real name was Falkner, he changed for commercial reasons. In his works are the psychological drama and emotional depth, used to do a long, serpentine prose, plus a thorough glossary. It is considered the only likely American modernist 1930s, following the experimental tradition of European writers. The play "A Rose For Emily" belongs to the subgenre of narrative and story and was published in the storybook "These thirteen" in 1931 (Garrison, 1979).

The play is about a young woman of the aristocracy to which his father would not let him have a boyfriend, when he meets a laborer dies northern brown and begins to have a relationship with him. When Homer Barron Emily senses that is not going to marry her because he was gay, she buys poison and kills him and lives 40 years with the corpse lying in bed next to him every night. The work is composed of five chapters, the chapters are two important facts, one at the beginning and at the end of the chapter (Going, 1958).

We suggest you read the description of the setting of the novel before reading, or at least Have it in mind if you mess with the complicated chronology of this story. We must also know that the narrator of the story represents several generations of townspeople. The story begins with the great funeral of Miss Emily Grierson. The house is old but was once the best in the region. Since 1894 the village had a special relationship with Ms Grierson, when they decided to leave to collect taxes.

Thirty years ago, people had a strange encounter with Miss Grierson because of a bad smell coming from his house. This happened about two years after her father died and disappeared shortly after her lover. The smell was becoming stronger and people complained a lot. However, authorities did not want to meet Emily and decided to sprinkle lime around her house and eventually the smell disappeared. Everyone was sad for Emily when her father died. When he died she refused to acknowledge this fact for three days. People did not think it was "crazy" but assumed that would not let go of his father, although one could say he stole his youth. Then back to the period shortly after the death of his father, when Emily begins dating Homer Barron, who is in the village for a project to build sidewalks. The village people do not like this relationship at all and take Emily's cousins to the people to stop it. One day Emily buys arsenic in the pharmacy and is thought to Homer's leaving her and she thinks ...
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