A Roommate's Dilemma

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A Roommate's Dilemma

A Roommate's Dilemma


The main purpose of this paper is to make a case analysis of Ruth who has been caught of buying the term paper from an agency named “Ever - Ready Student Services”. Ruth was charged of this crime and she was expelled from the college and was asked to take the admission again. Ruth's roommate Smita was also charged of this crime and was asked to resign as being a leader she did not refuse Ruth for doing this. This was a spot in the Smita's career

(Bell 2005).

Answer 1:

Yes, there are some situations in which one student is ought to report the other student. These situations are if a student is accused of plagiarism, or if he is stealing paper from someone else. There are also some situations like if a student is breaking the rules and regulations of the institute then it is the responsibility of the other student to guide them and still if he is doing the same then they should report him/her to the higher authority (Lauver 2005).

Answer 2:

The student leader should ask the friend for not doing the wrong things. And if still he/she doing the same then they should do his verbal counseling and if still he is not listening to the counselor then the leader should fulfill his responsibilities and should tell the authorities about this wrong act. As, the responsibilities of a student leader are:

1. Complete your scholar association registration and, if applicable, your university account components by travelling to the Student Life website, or halting in at 101 Student Services Building.

2. It may not be too late to list online for space at the Student Organization Fair. The equitable is normally held on the Saturday night of the week before categories start. Visit the Student Life world broad web location to get more data about Fall Welcome plans.

3. Schedule gathering times and positions for your organization's meetings. Complete the Activity Planning Forms (APFs), which is accessible at the Student Life Center, established at 101 Student Services Building.

4. Plan and perform a general meeting/open dwelling to ask for the membership.

5. Plan undertakings to assist your constituents get acquainted with each other. "Icebreakers" are habitually cooperative at the first couple of meetings.

6. Put simultaneously components for each constituent including: your group's constitution; a members list; a register of goals and objectives; and a calendar of gathering times and positions, furthermore set designated days for tasks or exceptional events.

7. Schedule normal Executive Board meetings with the agents and the advisor.

8. Check on the rank of your bank or University account. University anecdotes will be shut in mid-October, if they are not re-registered each year. The MSU Accounting Office will obtain new account registration components after August 1 each year (Robbins 2004).

9. Develop a design for the group's economic stability. Will the assembly require to design any fundraising undertakings or just assemble amounts be obliged from members?

Answer 3:

No, Ruth was not a sincere friend to ...
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