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A Review Of Cholesterol-Lowering Interventions (Statins, Diets, And Vitamin Supplements) In The Treatment Of Coronary Artery Disease And Hyper Lipidemia

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A review of cholesterol-lowering interventions (Statins, diets, and vitamin supplements) in the treatment of coronary artery disease and hyper Lipidemia


[Name of faculty]ACKNOWLEDGEMENT

I, (Name) wish to proclaim that all contents of this work / memory stand in my own work without any support, and this thesis / dissertation has been no research on the academic and professional in the past. It also signifies my own views and does not closely relate to the university.

Signature: _______________________________

Date: __________________________


I, [name of the author], hereby declare the best of my knowledge, the entire stuffing of this proposal represent my real job, and that such a proposal was submitted prior to any academic research or other qualifications. In addition, he represents his own personal opinions and do not have anything to do with them at university.

Signed: __________________. Date: _________________.

Table of contents


Purpose of the study6

Background of the study6

General cholesterol metabolism7

Exogenous Pathway of Lipid Metabolism8

Lipid Metabolism Endogenous Pathway10

Particle size of LDL and HDL and its impact12

VAP testing and oxidation testing13

Hypothetical Causes of Elevated Cholesterol (Research based evidence)14

Endothelial dysfunction14

LDL oxidation and oxidative stress15

C-reactive protein, Lipoprotein A, inflammation and their effects on heart disease16

Homocystiene and its effect17

Other contributing factors17


High blood pressure19

Diabetes and insulin19

Biosynthesis of the cholesterol pathway20

Squalene and prenalyated proteins and its purpose20

The AIM-HIGH study21

Glucose and AGE's how they affect cholesterol and heart disease23

Saturated fats; truths and myths, do we need them or not, effects on cholesterol24

Benefits of Coconut oil25

Treatment of Elevated Cholesterol26

Current conventional treatment: Statins Overview26

Nutritional Protocol/ Diet, Supplements for Existing Disorder and Prevention27

A comparison of diets with varying macronutrient content in the treatment of elevated27

Cholesterol: Mediterranean, vegetarian, Atkins and Dean Ornish/low fat27

Evidence Based Research On Nutritional Supplements That Help Lower Cholesterol30

Aspirin therapy32

Co enzyme Q.1032


Plant Sterols33

Fish Oil and Omega-3 Fatty Acids34






A review of cholesterol-lowering interventions (Statins, diets, and vitamin supplements) in the treatment of coronary artery disease and hyper Lipidemia


Purpose of the study

There are many myths and theories regarding heart disease and its cause, the goal of this paper are to critically review the research on hyperlipidemia as one component and to discuss the evidence on Statin drugs versus diet and nutritional supplementation as treatment options. It is known that high lipid levels and high cholesterol can considerably increase the risk of a person to develop stroke, heart attack, and chest pain. Therefore the purpose of this thesis is to explore the effective treatment options that are available in the literature.

Background of the study

In the United States Fifteen million people have coronary Artery disease, the most widespread and common form, which is caused by fatty deposits on artery walls. It often leads to (chest pain) angina and myocardial infarction or heart attack. Other common types of heart disease include ischemic heart disease (reduced blood supply to the heart and organs), hypertensive heart disease (caused by high blood pressure), cardiomyopathy (deterioration of heart muscle function), congenital heart disease (heart abnormality since birth) and congestive heart failure (insufficient blood supply to body). Habits and Conditions for developing heart disease are ranging and include socioeconomic status, smoking, and obesity, elevated levels of cholesterol ...
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