A Proposal Of Literature Review

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A Proposal of Literature Review

A Proposal of Literature Review

Acquiring education is the foremost necessity of an individual like me, who wants to pursue B.A Psychology program at Argosy University. Even in this ever-changing world, overwhelmed by the technological boom, no one can deny the importance of acquiring professional education from a reputed educational institute and in fact for me, it has become an obligation to get a bachelor degree in Psychology.

The world is changing drastically with ever increasing competition and that hints towards the well-established fact of the survival of the fittest. So to survive and make your life worth living, one needs to get as much knowledge as one can and that eventually will foster money making life easier for that individual.

The market value of Psychology degree holder has increased by many folds during the last two decades or so and organizations are also abreast of the need of recruiting fresh, dynamic and result oriented psychologists for more challenging jobs/assignments. I can see that there is a golden opportunity in coming for myself, if I get a chance to get admission at Argosy University having the most up-to-date psychology curricula, managed under the supervision of highly-qualified and dedicated faculty members. I have developed my professional skills and have transformed myself into a reliable candidate for top level position in reputed schools and colleges and other international -related firms.

A professional who has a deep sense of human solidarity and social responsibility, a strong scientific and technical preparations for teamwork, with people's initiative to address the psychological problems of the community, reflective and critical attitude in front of his own work and with a comprehensive overview of the various philosophical, epistemological, theoretical and practical at present studying the behavior, subjectivity and consciousness. The Bachelor of Psychology works primarily with the processes and ...
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