A Program For A New Biochemical Technology

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A Program for a New Biochemical Technology

A Program for a New Biochemical Technology

Today there are many different types of biochemical weapons. "They are divided up into different categories called "schedule". "Schedule one", is chemicals that are banned completely and cannot be produced or stored like plutonium. This category set by the ''Chemical Weapons Convention'' there are about twenty-five. The next category is "Schedule Two". This is a chemical that has commercial use but can be made into hazardous material. These chemicals also found in Schedule three, the only real difference is that the material found in three are harder to make or harder to turn into chemical weapons. Cyanogen Chloride, which is a schedule three, is considered one of the most deadliest agence. When this gas is inhaled, it destroys tissues by interrupting the supply of oxygen to the cells. The problem with using this gas is that is dissolves rather quickly in the air''.

Another deadly agent is Anthrax. This chemical which is made almost the same as beer, using "fermentation" process, causes organ failure. This is a schedule one chemical. Most people die normally in five days or less. Penicillin can be used to stop anthrax but only and only if in is given before all symptoms start. Anthrax causes a type of pneumonia, which can kill a person. Anthrax also causes organ failure. A new idea has developed for biochemical weapons. They can now put "ebola virus" into chemical weapons. This virus kills 090 percent of all people that it affects. Deaths happens in a few days. All organ break down. "Botlulinum toxin", which is made by the bacteria "Botulinum clostridium". This toxin blocks the transmission of nerve pulses. Which then causes paralysis and then death. It only takes two days to kill a person.

There is an antitoxin but it must be given very quickly. "Ricin", which is very deadly, is made of castor beans. If the chemical is breathed in it normally kills a person in two hours or less. This chemical attacks the circulatory system. It causes water in the tissues, blood, urine, etc to build up which then causes choking and suffocation of the body its self. Finally "Sarin" which is thought "one of the worlds most powerful Biochemical weapons". It is a colorless odorless gas. It only takes .5 milligrams to kill a person. "Sarin" gas is about 26 times more deadly than ...
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