A Patient's Story By Kenneth B. Schwartz

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A Patient's Story by Kenneth B. Schwartz

A Patient's Story by Kenneth B. Schwartz


In Boston Magazine, 17 years ago a dying man issued a request for greater compassion in healthcares (Penson, 2003). He emphasized and was worried that the increased work pressure and demand is prioritizing and in future will prioritize efficiency over empathy. This paper includes the experience of one patient which addressed universal concern of many. The purpose of this paper is to let leaders know about patient and caregiver's relationship. Kenneth B. Schwartz wrote an article that was published in Boston Global Magazine with the name “A Patient's story”. In this article he wrote about his illness and his relationship with caregivers. How they helped him in bearing things that were unbearable. The main theme of this article was compassionate care by caregivers to provide help and support to patients.

Summary Kenneth Schwartz was a 40 year health advocacy lawyer who had ten year old son. In 1994, he was diagnosed with advanced lung cancer at that time he was only 40 years, non smoker who regularly exercised and consume good and healthy food. In his article he said that he knew a lot about healthcare management, government regulations, policies, and contracts but he knew little about delivery of care but when he was diagnosed with lung cancer he came to know that simple touch and care of caregivers can make unbearable bearable (Schwartz, 1995). In the months that followed he was subject to surgery, chemotherapy, and radiations which was a harrowing experience for him and his family but still ordeal has been punctuated by moments of exquisite compassion. Ken died because of cancer just after two months but not before funding an organization that has brought our attention to the importance of human interactions in medicine. ...