A Man Of People

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A Man of People


The book is a 1966 mocking novel by Chinua Achebe. The novel tells the story of the young and educated Odili, who is a teacher in the novel. He show up as the narrator, discussing his conflict with Chief Nanga, his former teacher who enters a career in politics in an unnamed modern African country.

A Man of the People is a primary person explanation of Odili, a school teacher in an imaginary country closely similar to post colonial Nigeria. Odili collects an invitation from a former teacher, Chief Nanga, who is at the present is a powerful but corrupt Minister of Culture. As Minister, Nanga's job is to guard the traditions of his country, and though he is known as "A Man of the People," he instead uses his position to increase his personal wealth. The Minister's riches and power prove particularly impressive to Odili's girlfriend, who cheats on him with the minister. Seeking revenge, Odili begins to pursue the minister's finance.

Odili agrees to lead an opposition party in the face of both bribes and violent threats. Odili triumphs over the Minister, however, when a military coup forces his old teacher from office. The book ends with the line: "you died a good death if your life had inspired someone to come forward and shoot your murderer in the chest without asking to be paid”. (Ezenwa, 1997, 109-150)


African people seem to be unaware of the facts. The writer shows that the public is very keen to see the leader who is corrupt. The public sat on floor and waited for the chief who is corrupt and have doubled the price of everything in his four year rule.

The reason behind this ignorance is lack of education and poverty. As the public is poor, they don't have time to consider the facts. They are trapped in their livelihood, which is dominated with lack of education. Socio-economic problems in Africa made people numb. The writer also called the people cynical as they would answer him sarcastically, if he would tell them that the leader is corrupt.

The novel depicts the fact that the political leader is wearing expensive clothes while the country is poor. Corruption is defined in the novel as the leader is filling his bank account and the public lives in severe poverty. For example chief nanga wears nice and expensive clothes and government is wasting money on the protocol. He is also shown to use public, money to lure girls so as to sleep with him. Corruption is also well described during the elections which are unfair, violent and corrupt. The current government use all ways possible to win the elections including evil ways. The author closes the novel with a coup detail as a solution to the socio-economic needs but is the revolution helpful. (Ezenwa, 1997, 109-150)


In conclusion, it can be said that African people are sarcastic and are not able to accept the reality. Odili, who is the young character, understands political corruption. Through this ...
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