A Life Changing Moment

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A Life Changing Moment

A Life Changing Moment


Every person passes through a few incidences in life that turn the stones in one's life. These incidents or moments create a life changing experience as it is said “Sometimes something catastrophic can occur in a split second that changes a person's life forever; other times one minor incident can lead to another and then another and another, eventually setting off just as big a change in a body's life (Walls, n.d).” The following paper describes one such incident.


Jack was never able to understand what had hit him. Jack was living a successful and happy life, but one life altering moment changed his entire existence. What happened at that moment changed and affected all the aspects of his and even altered all the cells inside his body. The day began like a normal day in the summers of 2011. Jack lived in the upper crust of Minnesota. Jack casually waved hands to his parents and hugged his mother, and never knew that he would not be able to perform such a gesture again ever in his life. Jack worked as an Architect in one of the leading firms of the State. At that particular morning, all he was having on his mind was that he was late for office and has a lot of work to do. He had been working for the firm for many years with dedication and late arrivals had to be avoided during the bonus periods.

Jack used to jog every day, and whenever he used to get time from his busy work schedule he would prefer jogging. He loved keeping himself fit and fine at all times. Because of long hours spent at work and the distance he had to travel to reach office, he had taken up jogging as ...
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