A Job Analysis

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A Job Analysis

A Job Analysis


The human factor is decisive of great importance in creating competitive advantage. Organization without people cannot exist, and the famous principle of “the right man in the right place” is becoming increasingly important. Today, there is a strong connection between corporate strategy and management of human resources. Therefore, the recruitment and selection process devotes more attention. Before starting the process of recruitment and selection, it is necessary to gain a detailed insight into how developments in external as well as internal environment. Environmental factors have a strong influence on the formation and philosophy recruitment and selection practices (Nancy, 2000).

For an organization is very important to analyze the time and learn about trends in the labor market. For largest number of jobs, in most organizations it is the local market. The amount of compensation and career opportunities are not enough to attract people from outside the geographical area in which the organization is based. In this case, the activities related to the recruitment and retention of workers, compared with competing activities in the local market.

Discussion & Analysis

In the process of selection of employees, there are important measurements of the characteristics such as creativity, intelligence and various personality traits. The validity of the structure cannot be demonstrated by one analysis, because there is no good criterion for the validity (Gusdorf, 2009). The investigator must use several different techniques to show that a given test of jurisdiction. For example, by analyzing the concerns of a new test if the structure of the test is valid, it should indicate a strong correlation between performances while maintaining low correlation with the test results of the new tests, such as intelligence. The new test works then a group of students who take their final exams, and a group of people treated with drugs. Test results for the two groups to be different. The validity of the structure is in the tests for personnel selection essential. Even if it is shown the validity of the structure, you still need to prove that the characteristics measured by the test are useful for predicting the effects of work. This usually means that it is also necessary to analyze the validity of the test in terms of the criteria (Nancy, 2000).

The criterion of cost is the cost of which shall be borne by the organization using appropriate methods, techniques, methods and tools for recruitment and ...
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