A Human Service Interview

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A Human Service Interview

A Human Service Interview

Question No 1

Think about someone who has helped you in the past—a friend, teacher, neighbor, minister, therapist……………………………..?


Three persons who has helped in the past including Teacher, Friend and Complementary medicine specialist:


I am currently working in marketing firm as a Marketing Coordinator. When I was student of high secondary level so I was very confused girl and I could not able talk to other with confidence and that is the reason I was not good in my studies. My Science teacher was very good teacher and she helped me and gave me advices and consoling that how overcome this lackness in my personality.


My friend Sara is my best friend. She always help me when I am in troubles. Two years ago I was suffered and I was not able to attend Offices and I was in probation period of job. My job was in danger but my friend Sara helped me a lot and convinced my boss for my favor.

Mr.Micheal Complementary medicine specialist

Complementary medicine specialists, including acupuncturists, massage therapists, homeopaths, meditation and yoga teachers, and energy workers emphasize the harmonious integration of mind and body to achieve well-being. Mr. Micheal gave me therapy for relaxing my mind and soul when. I was stand up by long journey of disease.

Question No 2

In your journal, discuss the pros and cons of matching ……………………………..?


Clients who differ from you in terms of age, race, culture, ability, class, gender, family form, sexual orientation, and religion. Knowledge about, experience with, and appreciation of the norms, styles, and strengths within these differences will help you attend to them earlier and more comfortably as you develop as a professional. We believe that only if we are knowledgeable about and sensitive to a wide range of cultural values, norms, and nuances can we hope to ...
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