A History Of Childhood Abuse/Trauma In Both Opioid-Misusing Individuals And In Chronic Pain Disorders

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A history of childhood abuse/trauma in both Opioid-misusing individuals and in chronic pain disorders


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Initially I would like to articulate gratitude for my direct project supervisor, classmates, and my friends whose constant and immense support has been a foundation of continuous inspiration and guidance. I would also like to thank my parents whose guidance and love was with me in whatever I have pursued so far. Furthermore, this direct project reflects my opinion and takes on the issue and is it does not symbolize the University opinion.

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I, (), would like to declare that all contents included in this study stand for my individual work without any aid, and this proposal has not been submitted for any examination at academic as well as professional level, previously. It is also represents my very own views and not essentially those that are associated with other university.

Signed __________________ Date _________________




Childhood Abuse1

Prevalence of the Condition2

Prevalence of childhood abuse in General Populations2

Prevalence of childhood abuse/trauma in Opioid-misusing populations3

Prevalence of childhood abuse/trauma in Chronic Pain populations5

Evidence to suggest that all Three Commonly Co-Occur5

Common Characteristics of Child Hood Abuse6

Other common characteristics in Opioid misuse and childhood abuse/trauma7

Other common characteristics in chronic pain and childhood abuse/trauma9

Associations with Social, Health and Treatment Outcomes11

Pathways Associated with the Health Outcomes and Childhood Abuse12

Mental Health and Child Abuse14

Outcomes Associated with Childhood Abuse/Trauma and Opioid Misuse15

Outcomes Associated with childhood abuse/trauma and Chronic Pain17




Childhood Abuse

The condition of child abuse or child neglect is a common social concern. It is a mistreatment of child by a guardian or parent including the sexual molestation, beating, and neglect. Whether an individual is considering emotional abuse; where an individual is deprived of attention, sexual abuse, care, and love, Physical abuse; as it involves contact intended to cause bodily harms, feelings of injury and pain; Sexual abuse; where a child is abused sexually by an adult for meeting their own needs, Or neglect; where there is a persistent failure for meeting the intellectual, emotional, and physical needs of a child. The rates of prevalence vary depending upon the types of abuse, research methodology, setting investigations and how such abuse can be defined (Thurston, Bromberger, Chang, 2008; Swahnberg, Wijma, Schei, 2004).

The long term childhood effects includes a huge range of psychological and physical complaints along with the medical and psychiatric diagnoses comprising of chronic fatigue syndrome, eating disorders, Fibromyalgia, Somatization, irritable bowel syndrome, anxiety disorders, and depression (Heim, Wagner , Maloney, 2006). In comparison, to individuals without the history of abuse, the women experiencing the abuse due to childhood are likely to have unsafe sex and issues associated with substance abuse for the purpose of reporting poor self related health. The Childhood abuse is thought to be a risk factor or symptomatic issues comprising of increased menopausal symptoms, Dysphoric disorder, Dysmenorrhea, Chest Pain, Chronic Pelvic Pain, back pain, and headache (Latthe, Mignini, Gray, 2006; Davis, Luecken, Zautra, 2005). Additionally, the effects of dose responses of the adverse child hood experiences accumulations and severity ...