A Great Place To Work

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A great place to work

A great place to work

Policies and practices in Google making it a great place to work at

Google's culture is pretty well known to almost everyone who knows what Google is. Unlike any other corporate culture, a random glance at the inside pictures of Google explain how different it is from the traditional corporate world. It often looks like a colorful play place not a working place. But this culture is what has kept Google succeeding over the years. Quite contrary to the corporate world it has a special dedicated team just to ensure that Google's employees are happy and are productive. It may sound a bit too much but this is how world's leading search engine operates.

Google has strived to keep the open culture in which the system allows everyone to put in his ideas and opinions with complete comfort. Its policy is to keep the culture so open that Googlers can even ask direct questions via email or in the café from the CEO of the company (impossible at other organizations) without caring for a protocol. The common goal and idea sharing is encouraged and every one is made to feel that he contributing his share with the organization.

People love to work at Google because it believes that its people who have made Google what it is. Google's policy is to hire people from all the walks of life speaking dozens of languages and reflecting the global users served. In spite of this diversity all the Googlers share the same goal and vision. People at Google have to be happy because they are allowed to pursue any interest they like if they are fulfilling their work requirements, they can go for cycling, to frisbeeing or to foxtrot.

The policies and procedures not only work on the ...
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