A Good Man Is Hard To Find

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A Good Man is Hard to Find


“A Good Man Is Hard to Find” is a literary work by the famous author Flannery O'Conner. The story is guided by her deep religious beliefs as it is a religious and social theme that runs throughout. At the very beginning of the story, the author refers to a quote by a theologian of the early church, St. Cyril of Jerusalem. The quote mentions a 'dragon' which is always "sitting by the side of the road" eager to "devour" humans and their souls. However, it goes on to elaborate how each individual must pass by this dragon, who is the proverbial 'devil' in order to reach the "father of souls," who obviously is Jesus himself (O'Conner, p 331). This story serves to highlight how people deviate from God's principles in their lives and become too involved in societal matters, only to face the devil at the end of it.

O' Conner's story is based upon a family which becomes too self absorbed and individually selfish. The grandmother makes feeble attempts to get them to change the main focus of their lives, however, her own judgment is very clouded and her point of view is always skewered, because of which they end up confronting the 'dragon by the side of the road' known as "The Misfit" (O'Conner, p 338). The Misfit is the proverbial devil laying in wait so that he could pounce upon individuals who might pass in order to judge them.


This story is based upon two central characters, the grandmother and The Misfit. The grandmothers character is guided by many ironic situations, as she sees herself as an innocent, caring person, however, she is actually an extremely deceitful figure who embellishes stories and tells falsehoods to get what she wants. An example of verbal ...
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