A Constitution For A New Country

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A Constitution for a New Country

A Constitution for a New Country

From the provincial council of new country we take up the gauntlet thrown and start a discussion, quiet, serene, without disqualification, on the proposal for political status of the community of just adopted by the new country government tripartite. And the first thing to do is convey to society new country, society and the true nature of what we are proposing. If the new country has the right "to be whatever we want to be," we begin to know what is being proposed to be. Without it, evil can "decide our future."

To do this, we will start by taking a look at our own home. The first is that citizens' new country, nationalists and not nationalists, we are aware of what the proposal is approved by the new country government on 25 October in relation to a matter as important as the articulation of self-government within our region. The proposal, rather than the relationship between the new country and the state, affect, fundamentally, to the internal relations between the provinces and the common institutions new country. We are not just facing a problem between the Spanish and new country. We, previously, at a point between new country, which we discuss between us that peaceful dialogue that asks us to accept and despite the lack of freedom and persecution we suffer those who disagree with his approach.

Remember what were the pillars on which settled the reconstruction and upgrading of our self, we all recognize as a source and instrument of welfare for our country in the last 25 years. The starting point is found in the first additional provision of the constitution of 1978 - "the constitution protects and respects the historic rights of the provincial territory," supplemented by the provision repealing the second, leaving without effect the laws of 1839 and 1876, which could affect new country. Was thus opened the door for provincial regimes of these territories could recover and upgrade, which would be done through the statute. Therefore, the constitution was a real and genuine statutory reintegration, while a historical novelty introduced: that the reinstatement will take effect through a kind of federation or confederation of provincial territories, which were associated in a new political and legal community. It may be said that the 1978 constitution the historic rights were no longer just became history and current legal institutions with a vocation and the possibility of projection into the future.

But you could not do without history or violence to the feelings, traditions and identities of the citizens of each of the provinces. New country parliament is beginning to glimpse, the general assembly of the centuries had legislated provincial territories. It was evident that the updating of self-government could only rest on the recognition and identity of those territories, to, from there, start building. And this was done. Article 37 of the statute established that the provision does not entail any alteration of the nature of the specific statutory ...
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