A Comparison Between The Role Of A Clinical Support Worker And A Project Researcher, In Order To Find Out Why The Research Team Does Not Share Information And Knowledge, With Regards To Handling Human Tissues

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A Comparison Between The Role Of A Clinical Support Worker And A Project Researcher, In Order To Find Out Why The Research Team Does Not Share Information And Knowledge, With Regards To Handling Human Tissues



This proposal develops a comparison between the role of a clinical support worker and a project researcher, in order to find out why the research team does not share information and knowledge, with regards to handling human tissues. In order to develop a better comprehension first the role of clinic support worker and a project researcher has been discussed along with the ethics present in their profession. Furthermore, the report highlights the premise behind the confidentiality of the research teams in terms of sharing of vital data and knowledge in relation to the handling of the human tissue. Lastly, it discusses the research methodology constituting


I would like to avail this opportunity to whole-heartedly thank my research supervisor, friends and family for their utmost guidance and support as in the absence this research proposal would have been impossible.


I [Full Name], declare that this proposal represents my own work, and that this proposal hasn't been submitted previously for any academic examination for any qualification. Moreover, it is a representation of my own ideas and opinions and it is not of the University.

Signed __________________ Date _________________

Table of contents





1.1 Introduction6

1.2 Research Question8

1.2 Hypothesis8

1.3 Aims & Objectives8

1.4 Organization of the Research7


2.1 Role of Clinical Support Worker10

2.2 Role of Clinical Research Team10

2.3Confidentiality in Research11


3.1 Research Design15

3.2 Justification of Secondary Research Method15

3.3 Research Approach16

3.4 Data Extraction Strategy17

3.5 Qualitative Data Analysis18

3.6 Qualitative Data Synthesis18

3.7 Underlying Assumption18

3.8 Ethical Consideration19

3.9 Validity19

3.10 Literature Search20

3.11 Time Scale21



The ultimate goal of clinical support as well as the clinical research team to diagnose and treat the patient in an effective and efficient manner. The clinical support worker is concerned with working with the physician and ensuring that clinical support worker plays many roles in the diagnostic laboratory, such as examining the chemical reactions, students structure diseases, studying the immune system, diseases of the blood analysis and evaluate the structure and cellular research where as the researcher ensures having established what to study, must wonder what is the best way to do it, that is, to answer this question (Sugarman &Sulmasy, 2001, pp. 23-31). This involves defining a research plan, which involved the following processes:

Formulate hypotheses.

Establish the best way to collect data.

Interpret, synthesize and analyze data.

Develop and evaluate explanations based on experimental evidence.

Evaluate various types of alternative explanations (Creswell, 2003, pp. 1529).

Before carrying out our research plan it is necessary to propose certain hypotheses, which can be define as assumptions based on experiences, preconceptions and even common sense. The assumptions allow predicting what will happen and must be verifiable by observation or experiment. After establishing the action plan to answer the questions, experimental evidence is seeked or data that may prove or disprove our ideas.

It is called inquisitorial investigation process in which one seeks the answer to a ...