A Book Report

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A Book Report

A Book Report


There are numerous problems that are encountered in the life of the citizen of the state. The public problems that are revolving the life of a citizen are of prime importance for stability in the society. The list of public problem is endless as the problems of the public depicted by the Heineman in 2001 and Pal in 2010.

The list of problems identified by Heineman includes the following

Environmental Threats such as global warming (Heineman et.al.2001, pp. 85).

At the societal level the problem of racial isolation (Heineman et.al.2001, pp. 85).

Freer Sexual Relations (Heineman et.al.2001, pp. 85).

Problem of Poverty and its consequences (Heineman et.al.2001, pp. 85).

Risk of abortion that have threats towards the life of women (Heineman et.al.2001, pp. 85).

The list of problems identified by Pal in 2010 includes the following

The problem of immigrants that are living in the States (Pal, 2010, pp. 235).

Legalization of marriages (Pal, 2010, pp. 236).

The Effects of drinking and smoking among citizens (Pal, 2010, pp. 228).

Reducing the Crime Rates among Citizens (Pal, 2010, pp. 226).

Impact of sexually transmitted disease among citizens (Pal, 2010, pp. 237).

The problem of international terrorism (Pal, 2010, pp. 226).

Gender discrimination as to protect the rights of the citizens (Pal, 2010, pp. 240).

Cultural bias and diversity (Pal, 2010, pp. 240).

Economical constraints and financial crises (Pal, 2010, pp. 227).

Corruption and its levels among citizen (Pal, 2010, pp. 226).

Reason for Selecting the Problems

The above list of problem that was highlighted in the two books that public of America is facing at present the two problems are highlighted in the further discussion the problem of Poverty that was acquired by Pal in 2010 and the problem of International Terrorism that was acquired by Heineman et.al in 2001. The major reason behind the selection of theses two problem is that poverty curtail the economic conditions of the state when we overview the political aspect of the state. The problem of International Terrorism need to be addressed to the government as there is the threats of world war due to the terrorist's attacks that is disrupting the politics of the state. These problems are discussed as the further discussion proceeds.

Description of Two Problems Selected From the Above List

The Problem of Poverty

The poverty is defined as the lack of resources and income in the citizens of the state. It depicts that the low wage income increased in the society and that is diminishing the rights of the citizens that are living in the society (Edelman, 2012, pp.1). Poverty is one of the serious issues that are revolving in the new class democrats. The old class democrats were focusing on the racial environmental and sexual issues. The new democrats have diverted their attention to the issue of resolving poverty among the citizens of the state (Heineman, 2001, pp.85).

Cause 1

The First causes of poverty lie due to the workplace discrimination that is serious issue identified in the American society. The effects of poverty had imposed negative impact among ...
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