A Biblical And Theological Critique Of Annihilationism

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A Biblical and Theological Critique of Annihilationism





Arguments for Annihilationism6

The Theological & Biblical Arguments7

Counter Arguments to Annihilationism According to Theology9

Counter Arguments to Annihilationism According to Bible11




The profuse literature turned out in the last several years regarding the existence and nature of hell denotes an emergent debate on evangelicalism and annihilationism that has never been a case since the last decades of the twentieth century. This paper has analyzed whether there is any involvement of hell in the conscious torment forever for non believers or the non believers are punished to annihilate rather than an eternal punishment in hell. This paper discusses historical, philosophical, contextual, lexical, and theological matters regarding Annihilationism that bear out crucial to attaining an ultimate biblical conclusion.

Annihilationism believes that God will obliterate or annihilate the depraved eventually, granting only the righteous to live on an eternal life with bliss. Annihilationism has been gaining popularity since the last twentieth century; considering as partial modification of the traditional apprehension of double destiny eschatology by exemplifying theological and biblical points of conflict, but annihilationism yet holds some noteworthy problems, ultimately, neglects to fully accept God's grace. A Biblical and Theological Critique of Annihilationism presenting the different viewpoints of the doctrine is examined in this paper.

A Biblical and Theological Critique of Annihilationism


The doctrine of Annihilationism states that the souls of the wicked or sinful will not be sent into a conscious and eternal hell rather than it will be blew out of existence. The existence of the impenitent and obdurate will be snuffed out, while the righteous and virtuous will go into in to everlasting ecstasy. Annihilationism is linked up with the idea of conditional immorality directly, the doctrine that a human soul is not everlasting unless eternal life is granted to him.

Simply we can say that annihilationism is the doctrine that believes that after death, the evil people will come to an end of existence. It is contrary to the belief that unrighteous people will have to suffer the everlasting conscious agony. The overwhelming aspect of this doctrine is that extermination of the unrepentant will take place some time after death. In addition, annihilationism should be differentiated from the secular humanist aspect of “no life after death”.

It is the belief of some annihilationists that before being annihilated, the impious and unremorseful will be reprimanded for their sins and wrongdoings in the lake of fire. However, the other group of thought of annihilationists deems hell as a false doctrine of pagan origin.

Since 1960's, it has been started to gain attention, but particularly, since the late twentieth century, Annihilationism has been attaining a valid minority opinion within modern, conservative Protestant theology. Some British evangelicals gave their sign of acceptance to this doctrine. It has also found support and approval from some evangelical theologians including John Scott and James I. Packer.

Evangelicalism is described by James I. Packer as “the religion of Trinitarian Bible believers”. Evangelicalism stresses the importance of personal conversion and faith as the means of ...
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