A Balanced Approach To Strength And Conditioning In High School Football

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A Balanced Approach to Strength and Conditioning in High School Football



The Life Of American High School5

Significance Of Extracurricular Activities In High School7

Kinds Of Extracurricular Activities In High Schools9

Significance Of Fitness In Those Extracurricular Activities11

Sports And The Level Of Fitness They Require14

Significance Of Functional Movement Screen16

General Protocol For The Functional Movement Screen18

Measuring The Primary Fitness Level Of The Football Players In The High School26

The Functional Movement Screen27

Significance Of This Proposed Approach28

Process Of Successful Implementation30

Test Phase Of Protocol For Football30

Approval By Major Athletes And Health Professionals31

Final Implementation In Schools32



A Balanced Approach to Strength and Conditioning in High School Football


The nature of mankind does not allow him or her to live a monotone life in most cases. The imbedded nature of a person compels him/her to indulge into numerous differing set of activities, which may satisfy different needs of the body and render to the mind and indescribable satisfaction. The distinction in the activities and the desirability of indulging oneself into those activities gradually fades away as a person goes up in years, which means that in older age, a person rather desires to relinquish the excessive physical activities and is more prone to the actions that may require the person to calmly sit across the cosy room and enjoy the old age.

But what really differentiate a young person from an old individual is the physical power, strength and activeness he possesses, and the desirability to be more of an outdoor person rather than desiring for an indoor cozy room. The desire of outdoor activities is highest in the young children and young adults. What further defines the outdoor activities and the ruggedness that the youngsters endorse is their indulgence into sports. Sports really define one's interest; it will rather not be wrong to articulate that the type of sports a person is interested into not only defines his interest and physical capability, but also his personality to some extent.

There exists an interesting observation between the kind of sports that existed in primitive times and the level and kind of sports that have evolved since those ancient times to the modern times. The sports of the earlier times were based on the respective exposure of the inhabitants and the degree of resources they possessed; their sporting activities would be confined to their communities only and every community would devise a sport with respect to their lifestyles and interest. Now, ever since the world has driven its motor onto the course of incessant progress and development, not only did the horizons of the inhabitants grew, but also new and new sports came to emerge in this world. The world had started to be richer in the resources and the astute utilization of those resources, as well as the appropriate development of the resources.

Gone are those days when sports were just leisure and considered as just a recreational activity. Not only has it become a dire interest of almost every youngster, it has now taken the shape of professions, and diligent ...
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