Zipit9 Energy Drink

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Zipit9 energy drink

Zipit9 energy drink 1


Zip it energy drink was a very popular brand of energy drink and held 35% market share in the energy drink market which is safe for those who drink. It sold widely across the whole Europe. Since, last year June 2010, Zip, is suffering from crises as which was severely halted when approximately two hundred people in France and Belgium complained of illness after drinking Zipit9. Sickness and stomach disorders were mainly reported with four customers admitted to hospital. After investigation, it was found out that defective carbon dioxide was used to manufacture Zipit9 in the French canning plant. The management considered this scenario, and they critically evaluated all the marketing procedures. They used marketing tools and strategies for bringing back the image Zipit9 had in the market before (Le, 2008, 19).

Corporate reputation

Today, the global economy has made social actions become a strategic business tool. Not the reason for companies to focus on meeting the needs of the less served; however, it is necessary to conceive the idea of generating social and economic value (Massey, 2007, 1117).

As a marketing manager of Zipit9 the corporate reputation should be managed according to the growing importance of corporate social dimension one of the major recent changes impact. We could think of a Development company. The surveys indicate that worldwide population expect companies to contribute to solve social problems.

Researchers often equate corporate sustainability (CS) with financial, social, and environmental performance. Corporate and financial performance are easy to observe (e.g. numerical reports), while the other two are more abstract. Some researchers attempt to refer to corporate social responsibility (CSR) as a proxy of social and environmental performance. Although many studies have attempted to demonstrate a relationship between CSR and corporate profitability, the debate over this relationship has been inconclusive. It has been estimated that between, 1971 and 2001, 122 published studies have empirically examined the relationships between CSR and financial performance. The positive results suggest that corporate managers should routinely consider CSR management in business decision making (Le, 2008, 19).

Most companies take CSR actions are either for the purpose of complying with regulations or for the result of external constraints. Apparently, business leaders would react to CSR issues because of exogenous factors rather than because of truly understanding the advantages that CSR can bring. The existing research focuses on identifying the definition of CSR and provides overall guidelines for companies. However, little has been done about what core constructs CSR reflects. To this end, the study takes an in-depth look at CSR and proposes that a CSR model is reflected by four major constructs: accountability, transparency, competitiveness, and responsibility. Consequently, the objective of this study is to examine the causal relationship among those core characteristics (Massey, 2007,, 1117).

Zipit 9 should develop CSR strategies, such as reputation improvement, government regulations, competitive advantage, stakeholder pressures, critical events, and top management pressures. Accordingly, a variety of CSR strategies have been introduced, including significant investments in innovative activities regarding products and ...