Human resource professionals can ensure that top organizational leaders encourage managers and employees to follow laws and guidelines in the following ways:
Human Resources professionals should make sure top organizational leaders and management are aware of major laws such as the Age Discrimination in Employment Act, the Americans with Disabilities Act, the Equal Pay Act and Family and Medical Leave Act. HR should also encourage these organizational leaders to; better understand the legal and safety issues associated with the company. In addition, technology plays a significant role in Human resources. There are legal issues associated with email usage as well as Internet use and organizational leaders need to be aware of these issues.
This company is best known as the inventor of the photocopier also manufactures printers. At the end of the year 1940, a small manufacturer of photographic products in Rochester (New York) named Haloid decided to exploit the invention 10 years ago by Chester Carlson, the xerography. The design of the first photocopier, the Xerox Model A, and the success of the following models bring the company to change its name in 1958 to Haloid Xerox, and April 18, 1961, becoming just Xerox. The last X Xerox was added to the original name given to an aspect similar to that of another famous company in Rochester, Kodak.
Organizational leaders encourage managers and employees to follow laws and guidelines by the following means:
Human Resource professionals can do this by making sure that all managers and employees are required to complete Human Resource training with laws/guidelines every year. The training could be completed either on site or through computer training that provides scenarios and quizzes. The training could describe and review what is classified as sexual harassment, discriminations, equal employment opportunities, hostile environments, insider trading, etc. This would allow all ...