X-Ray And Its Impact On Human Life

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X-Ray and its Impact on Human Life


The X-rays that changed the course of medicine, and many other fields of human excellence, through its ability to penetrate opaque bodies, such as human, has been chosen as the scientific invention "more important in the world", ahead of advances such as penicillin or the Apollo 10 capsule. Since its invention, the X-ray applications have multiplied. Besides growing interest for medical diagnosis, this technology is used to control security at airports, to study the quality of cured ham or find the "missing matter in the universe." And even some have found ways to use x-rays for artistic purposes (Uda et.al. pp.112-125).


X-ray is electromagnetic radiation of the same nature as radio waves, micro waves, infrared rays, visible light, ultraviolet rays and gamma rays. The fundamental difference with gamma rays is their origin: the gamma rays from nuclear radiation produced by the de-excitation of an excited nucleon from one level to a lower energy and the decay of radioactive isotopes, while the X-ray extra nuclear events arise at the level of the electron orbit, mainly produced by deceleration of electrons. The X-ray energy in general is between ultraviolet radiation and gamma rays produced naturally (Rupp, pp. 23-32). 

X-rays can be used to explore the structure of the crystalline material by experiments X-ray diffraction as being the wavelength similar to the distance between the atoms of the lattice. X-ray diffraction is one of the most useful tools in the field of crystallography. Medical applications since Roentgen discovered X-rays help capture bony structures, has developed the technology for use in medicine. Radiology is the medical specialty that uses X-rays as a diagnostic aid, in practice, the wider use of x-rays. X-rays are especially useful in detecting diseases of the skeleton, but also used to diagnose soft tissue diseases such as pneumonia, lung cancer, pulmonary edema, ascites... In other cases, the use of X-rays is useless, for example in observation of brain or muscle. The alternatives in these cases include computed tomography, magnetic resonance imaging or ultrasound (Rau et.al., pp. 87-103). 

Industrial Use

In most applications of X-rays for research in physics, chemistry, mineralogy, metallurgy, and biology, X-rays are also used in industry and research tool to carry out a series of tests procedures. They are extremely useful in the treatment of articles, such as metal parts, without destroying them. X-ray pictures of photographic plates of possible malfunctions, but the disadvantage is that the high-power X-ray machine is needed, is difficult and costly. Thus, in some cases, the radioisotope is used for the production of gamma rays, which have instead a high infiltration of radiological equipment. These sources of isotopes can be placed in containers are relatively light, compact and protected. Industrial radiography as commonly used in cobalt-60 and Cesium-137. In some medical and industrial applications, has been used in projectors Thulium isotopes of 70 small and comfortable to use (LaChance & Claisse, P. 76-89).

Many of the industrial products have been regularly inspected and X-rays, so that defective units can be arranged at the production site. There are other applications ...
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