The proposed project is a web based application with user friendly interface; it called Resource Description Framework Ontology Editor . The project enables users to create and manage the RDF vocabulary dynamically and getting them the RDF script files. RDF stands for Resource Description Framework which is a W3C project. The concept of Semantic Web is to get resources about data on the internet easily and with irrelevant results to the required information. In order to get data available on the internet and searchable, Ontologist (RDF developer) has to write how did data can be stored? . There are two script files needed to get this done. The first one is RDF Schema (RDFS), this script initialise the classes in addition to their properties (Relationships between these classes). The second script is RDF Instances, this script has the entities of these classes and the values of these entities. The project has been developed using PHP language and MySQL database.
Writing Software Development Life Cycle
Currently, computers are changing from single isolated devices to entry points into a worldwide network of information exchange and business transactions (cf. [1]). Support in data, information, and knowledge exchange is becoming the key issue in current computer technology. Ontologies will play a major role in supporting information exchange processes in various areas.
Many definitions of ontologies have been formulated over the past decade. In our opinion, however, the one that best captures the essence of an ontology is based on the related definitions by [2]: an ontology is a formal, explicit specification of a shared conceptualization. A conceptualization refers to an abstract model of some phenomenon in the world which identifies the relevant concepts of that phenomenon. Explicit means that the type of concepts used and the constraints on their use are explicitly defined. Formal refers to the fact that the ontology should be machine processible, i.e., the machine should be able to interpret the information provided unambiguously. Shared reflects the idea that an ontology captures consensual knowledge, that is, it is not restricted to some individual, but accepted by a group.
Resource Description Framework Schema (or RDFS for short) [3] provides a means to define vocabulary, structure and constraints for expressing meta data about Web resources. However, formal semantics for the primitives defined in RDFS are not provided, and the expressivity of these primitives is not sufficient for full-fledged ontological modeling and reasoning. These tasks require an additional layer on top of RDFS. Tim Berners-Lee calls this layered architecture the Semantic Web [4].
The lowest level of the Semantic Web requires a generic mechanism for expressing machine readable semantics of data. The RDF [5] is this foundation for processing meta data, providing a simple data model and a standardized syntax for meta data. Basically, it provides the language for writing down factual statements. The next layer is the schema layer (provided by RDFS). We will show how a formal knowledge representation language can be used as the third, logical layer. We will illustrate this by defining ...