Worldview Paper

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Worldview Paper

Worldview Paper


Mormonism, of which the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is the main organization, founded in the early nineteenth century in the United States. The nickname given to supporters of Mormon comes from the Book of Mormon, which they recognized as another sacred text along with the Bible.

Mormons consider their faith a religion-inspired Christian , recognize in Jesus Christ as the only true head of their Church, and His Atonement began in Gethsemane and completed on the cross, the one and only savior of mankind (Lamont & Donald, 2007), the Church of Mormons are not counted among the Christian denominations of the World Council, because of the doctrine on the nature of God, the Plan of Salvation and Modern Revelation.


Mormonism teaches that there is an infinite number of gods. God is the Supreme Being of the universe, but that position has not always had, indeed, God once was a man. This "God-man" (which in the past the authorities believed Mormons were Adam) would then gradually achieved the status of gods by living a life perfectly right (Ankerberg & Weldon, 2003). Mormonism teaches that God the Father has a body of flesh and bones. However, the Bible says that God has existed eternally and there is spirit, and created us human beings.

Jesus ??Christ

Mormonism teaches that Jesus is the brother of Satan, and was generated by a carnal relationship with God The Mormon book "The Book of Moses" presents Jesus as Satan in the competition for the privilege of becoming the redeemer and Jesus won.

Mormons also claim that Jesus was begotten by the Holy Spirit. For them, Jesus was divine "as each of us"(Alden, 2001), ie, his divinity would not be different from us men. However, the Bible says that Jesus Christ is eternally existed as God, second person of the Trinity, and took our human nature by being born in Bethlehem in the Holy Ghost, so that through His sacrifice we might be saved.


Mormonism says that Jesus overcame death and assured bodily revivification of the body to all mankind, while the spiritual death can be avoided only by obedience to the commandments. For the forgiveness of sins is necessary Mormon baptism done by a priest. However, the Bible says that there is no man who is right and who does not sin, and no one is able to meet the standard of perfect holiness of God we can be saved and made ??righteous before God only by putting faith in the sacrifice that Jesus has done for us, not our merits or our religion (Lamont & Donald, 2007). The baptism and sanctification are acts of obedience to God, and follow the salvation, not the means to achieve it.

Future Life

Mormonism teaches that, although there is a temporary form of punishment for the most evil, there will be a kingdom that will consist of three levels: "the kingdom of heaven, the earthly kingdom, and the telestial kingdom" will be able to advance through these levels (Ankerberg & Weldon, ...
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