World War I

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World War I


The world premiere was a long war and intense violence. Companies have been fully mobilized for the war effort. The battles have been particularly deadly in part because of the use of artillery. The soldiers fought in trenches with harsh conditions. It is a war novel in many respects: an industrial war which saw the emergence and use of new weapons (tanks, planes ...). Nationalism has been exalted to follow through the sacrifices required by war. It is also the first genocide of the twentieth century against the Armenians (1915).

Affects of World War I on Human Life (Pros and Cons)

The consequences of the conflict in the long term are major: the soldiers had sustained heavy injuries in the fighting, war memorials were erected in memory of military combatants and civilians, Europe no longer dominates the world, then it owes that the United States emerge gradually and sustainably. The Treaty of Versailles, presented as a diktat by many Germans, leaves unresolved territorial questions are often complex.

The accompanying document states that the program must consider the conflict in its original aspect of the total violence that marked the twentieth century and focus on highlighting its main characteristics: its total aspect and the "brutalization" of human relationships it was involved (as the neologism "savagery" would have done better understand). The first genocide of the century, the Armenians, violence against civilians (like the French and especially the French region of Lille who were deported to East Prussia ") must also find its place in the presentation of the professor.

All of the proposed sequence, while keeping a strict time frame, wants to put into perspective the work on the violence of war, the mobilization of companies (how soldiers could they take four years in a war of a kind new and intense and unprecedented violence?). The general problem of the sequence is: how Europe between does in "the era of disasters? The gaze is immediately on the lives of soldiers to seize the unprecedented brutality of the conflict. The spread of violence to the civil sphere as part of total war is studied with a specific analysis on women and children in war.

The First World War deepened the tensions inherited cumulus. Accelerator was history in the words of Lenin. In political terms the palace clique expected that the First World War was the instrument that would consolidate the Russian people around the figure of the tsar. However, the fate of the weapons was dodging Russian troops, after an encouraging start. The war brought out the weakness of the Russian giant. The war effort, military setbacks and the continuing conflict substantially altered the discipline in the face and life in the rear. The recruitment of peasants paralyzed the country. The famine took its toll in cities. The shortage collapsed morale of the troops and the rear.

Different ideas of radical opposition sprouted everywhere, always aimed at replacing the autocratic regime. As a solution, the bourgeois liberals insisted on the creation of a parliamentary ...
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