Workplace Safety Issues

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Workplace Safety Issues

Workplace Safety Issues


The workplace can be a dangerous place, with there being more hazards than people often realize. There are many accidents in the workplace each year due to unsafe work practices, staff not being trained to use equipment or machinery properly or even simple things, like being tired or overworked. It is important for all businesses to take their Occupational Health and Safety seriously and it is a good idea to deal with Safety Management Consulting groups to make sure they are on the right track.


Falls are one of the most common workplace safety issues, and they can be the result of several factors including spilled liquids, obstructions or obstacles around the office, stairways, loose or damaged floor panels, or loose or damaged carpets. Other workplace safety issues include sharp objects, falling objects such as heavy filing cabinets, injury or death resulting from the use of heavy machinery, and other various hazards common in warehouses or factories. Injuries resulting from lifting heavy objects are also included as workplace safety issues, particularly in workplaces that require an employee to lift objects frequently or reach for objects above eye level (Stender, 2006).

Fire can be one of the most important workplace safety issues. Large groups of people often inhabit offices, factories, and so on during the workday, so if a fire occurs, an escape plan as well as fire safety plans should be in place. An evacuation route that is clearly established and made visible to all employees is part of the plan, as is the availability of fire extinguishers, fire alarms, and other fire safety equipment. A local fire marshal can perform an inspection of a workplace to ensure it is up to proper code, and he can make recommendations to prevent fires from occurring.

The workplace safety issues that can arise in a factory setting are almost too many to count. Heavy machinery can be very dangerous to the people who operate them and work near them, so every workplace should have safety regulations in place. Training is an important part of ensuring workplace safety issues do not turn into accidents, and new employees should be familiar both with all the equipment and with the safety procedures should an accident occur. Simple steps, such as wearing proper footwear, eye protection, and head protection, can go a long way toward preventing injuries or deaths in factory settings. Anyone wearing a necktie or flowing dress should stay out of factory settings or have some way to secure loose articles of clothing while near machines (Schneid, 2008).

The spread of germs and diseases is one of the less severe workplace safety issues, though common colds and even flu germs can easily pass through an office setting in which several people share a space. Many offices make hand sanitizer stations available to employees to help slow or stop the spread of bacteria that can cause illnesses.

Safety Culture

Creating a culture of safety in the workplace takes plenty of planning for a ...
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