Workplace Diversity

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Workplace Diversity

Workplace Diversity


Recently our world has turned into a multi racial community due to the changing demographics and intense globalization. The workplace is now becoming a cluster of people from diverse culture and races and recently the presence of women in the workplace has also increased due to diversity. Today in our workplace we witness workforce from different cultures, nationalities, generation and gender working together in an organization. Organizations are re-establishing their policies and practice to develop a working environment that appeal to the diverse workforce of the organization. A well managed and collaborative diverse workforce can bring out better business and individual performance and gauge higher employee engagement.

Question No -1

The Civil Rights Act of 1964- Title VII

It was the year 1963 when the United States President John F. Kennedy pursued to unveil the plans that protect the basic human rights especially the law that promote citizens a gratis right to freely live and surpass themselves under the Court of Justice. After much effort on 2nd July 1964, Johnson signed the new Civil Rights of 1964. The law provision created equal employment opportunity to the people without the racial and sex discrimination. In addition to employment equality the provision solve the desegregation of schools, public facilities racial disputes and voter registration (Vox, 2012).

Difference between Race, National Origin and Color of Skin- Civil Rights Act of 1964

Race - Civil Rights Act of 1964

Discrimination in the society and the workplace often occur in the context of unhealthy and unfavorably treatment of an individual belonging to a different culture or ethnicity. There are various characteristics of racism. The most common differences on which discrimination might occur are cultural, caste, national, religion and caste. Racial discrimination in the workplace is often expressed in the form of unfair decisions regarding an individual job, employment or other employment benefits and remuneration (Scott, 2012).

National Origin - Civil Rights Act of 1964

In the civil rights acts of 1964, discrimination of the people on the basis of national origin is strictly prohibited. National origin discrimination is often subjected to the people belonging from other countries or other part of the world. These people acquire and belong to different ethnicity or accent that often appear in the form of unfavorable discrimination of people in the society and even at the workforce.

Color of Skin - Civil Rights Act of 1964

The Civil Right Act of 1964 strictly prohibits the discrimination of people solely based on the skin color. The discrimination on the skin color is not only based on the type of skin color but often include the associated racial belief and assumption along (Green, López, Wysocki and Kepner, 2002).

Relationship between Race, National Origin and Color of Skin

The three concepts of discrimination racial, national origin and color of skin are inter-related and often expressed in the same context in the society and the workplace. Due to colossal globalization, the diversity in the society and especially at the workplace has increased a lot. This amplifying diversity often leads to discrimination on the basis of ...
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