Workforce Management In Corporations

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Workforce Management in Corporations

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Workforce Management in Corporations


The corporations are sum of three elements which are resources, corporation structure and the employees. Basically, the employees are the most important factor in running the operations smoothly because these are the employees who used to design, implement and follow the corporation's structure. Moreover, the employees undertake certain operation which consumes resources and produce the final product. Therefore, it can be said that members of the corporation are the main drivers of the corporation. This provides impetus to device an effective and efficient management style which can ensure that the employees are performing at their maximum level. The effective management of workforce needs to offer motivation, reward in term of monetary and non-monetary term, respect, learning and a culture of cohesiveness. This report will cover a proposal on issues that the workforce of corporation's used to witness and required management style. The report will also focus on the fact that English is a highly receptive language by highlighting that there are so many words that have been incorporated in this language (Findler, 2007).


Motivating the Workforce

The workforce needs to be motivated to get the job done in efficient manners. The corporation often witness heavy workload and the employees have to manage that workload. The increase in workload leads to demotivates the employees because it requires the workforce to work for longer period of time at the same pay scale. It is often seen has the employees used to work without breaks which also induce higher level of fatigue among employees. The decline in employees moral leads to absenteeism and higher turnover. The higher turnover means that the employees are leaving the corporation in short period of time after their joining. This also increases the workload and cost because the organization used to train the employees to take maximum benefits from them. The employees can be motivated by offering monetary and non-monetary rewards, respect and bonus attached with higher productivity. The motivation has two types of benefits to the corporation which are increase in productivity and quality of the product (Herold, 2007).

Learning Environment

In these demanding times, it is the basic requirement for the corporations that its employees must be productive. The employees who are just following the orders and instructions cannot help in improving the production in term of quantity and quality. There is a big need to equip employees with knowledge that make them productive. The primary way that can help in making the employees learn new techniques and procedure is to allow them to share their ideas and suggestions with each other and management. The employees are undertaking certain types of task to convert the raw material into finished goods. Therefore, the employees know that how much material went into discarded cost. The ideas of the employees are real and are very effective in reducing the costs of discarded material. The employees of different departments used to coordinate with each other and witnessed problems on daily basis ...
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