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A central tenet of strategic human resource management (HRM) is the notion that the right workforce policies and procedures will contribute to improving organisational performance, and that there needs to be a 'fit' between HRM policies and processes and organisational strategy. Whereas an extensive literature has developed around identifying the nature of such 'right' policies and procedures, there is general agreement that there needs to be 'shared understandings about human resourcing priorities or commitment to the processes needed to strategically integrate HR policies'.

Discussion and Analysis

Behind the Counter- Eric Schlosser

Not only has the fast food industry been targeting young workers in their advertising campaigns, but are also overworking the young teenagers they hire behind the counter. Two-thirds of all fast food workers are under the age of twenty. Almost all teens want a job in order to make their own money instead of constantly relying on their parents. Working at a fast food restaurant is an easy job which requires very little experience, making it a fairly good opportunity for teens looking for a job. However, many fast food chains are making teens work over hours, which at times violate child labor laws, which is wrong and unfair. It is very possible that the ONLY thing that concerns fast food chains is making a large profit and spending the least amount of money as possible. In 1997 Taco Bell went to court for convincing workers to spend extra hours at work “off the clock” in order to not pay them for working overtime. The fast food industry hires untrained teenagers because they would not be required to pay them as much as they would as an adult. This is a sign of greediness and selfishness.

When the number of teenage workers decreased, the fast food industries began hiring immigrants, elderly men and women and the handicapped to replace them. Although this is yet another way for the industry to save money, I do not believe it is the smartest idea. These people are not as qualified. Most immigrants in the fast food industry can not speak English. They simply memorize the menu and that is it. This has proved unsatisfactory to many customers as they can not communicate with the person handling their orders and food. Fast food chains are supposed to train their employees but rarely do. The fast food industry pays almost all of their workers minimum wage, which is ...
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