Worker Participation

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The Challenge of Increasing Worker Participation in Decision Making and Problem Solving

The Challenge of Increasing Worker Participation in Decision Making and Problem Solving


Worker participation and engagement in the workplace is a factor that has a significant impact on the performance on the overall organization (Richardson & Taylor, 2012; Levin, Hansen & Laverie, 2012). It is significant because it is a factor that makes all the difference between a strategy that can be trusted to yield a competitive advantage and a strategy that serves as nothing more than a productivity sink. In this light, it is only natural for organizations to look for methods, techniques and approaches that can be utilized to improve quality, job satisfaction, increase worker participation in decision making and problem solving (Mirvis, 2012; Timming, 2012). In this brief discussion, I will take the driver's seat and elaborate on the approach that should be adopted in order to achieve the above mentioned end. In order to do so adequately, I will ensure that my strategy converges on the growth of the organization so that a scope for the discussion can be maintained.

Discussion & Analyses

In order to encourage employee participation and engagement in the workplace, it is essential to begin by giving employees a reason to take part (Bayo-Moriones & Larraza-Kintana, 2009; Long, Bendersky & Morrill, 2011). Instead of asking employees to pay more attention to work related matters, it is important to begin by working on the factors that are distracting employees from work. In other cases, employees may be shunning their responsibilities on purpose; in which case it makes sense to investigate the reasons because of which employees refuse to commit their sincere efforts to their responsibilities (Detert & Burris, 2007; Avey, Wernsing & Palanski, 2012).

The figure below represents a segmented process flow diagram for the worker participation improvement program that is the epicenter of this paper. The program will not function on a volunteer basis and it will be essential for the singled out individuals to participate in the program since negativity has to be eliminated and replaced with enthusiasm and focus.

Segmented Process Flow Diagram for Worker Participation Improvement Program

Adapted from: (Richardson & Taylor, 2012; Levin, Hansen & Laverie, 2012; Mirvis, 2012; Timming, 2012; Bayo-Moriones & Larraza-Kintana, 2009; Long, Bendersky & Morrill, 2011)

Based on the evaluation of a large sample from the extensive volume of literature and research that deals with the subject of the challenge of increasing worker participation in decision making and problem solving, I have devised a program that I recommend implementing for bringing about improvement in employee attitude towards participation in decision making and problem solving (Brown & Cregan, 2008; Boiral & Paillé, 2012). I recommend by handling this challenge by engaging in a focused approach that addresses the problem by recognizing the influence of the problem on the organization. Furthermore, my strategy rests on the fundamental exercise of communication; thereby ensuring that participation in the program will place non-participative employees in a position where they have to become a part of ...
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